Chapter 85: Reactions & Changes (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: Happy Friday everyone! Finally the weekend 🥳 The second half of people's reactions and a side story on rumors... i realized there were quite a few rumors during this period and the next few chapters would probably circle a fair bit around them. Plus some cloy filming of course 😊
Meanwhile, just want to say thanks again for all your comments and votes and I hope you enjoy this chapter too.

Have a great weekend!

Manager Kim and CEO Lee

Ye-Jin made a trip to to the MSTeam office on the weekend. She needed to update CEO Lee and Manager Kim about her accepting Hyun Bin's proposal. CEO Lee was already in her room when Ye-Jin arrived.

"Good Morning, Onni," Ye-Jin greeted CEO Lee cheerily.

"Good morning Ye-Jin. I'm glad you're looking fine. I heard from Manager Kim that the filming conditions are getting from bad to worse because of the weather." CEO Lee frowned.

Ye-Jin sighed on mention of the weather. "Yes Onni. The cold weather is really a problem. We've had a few instances where the equipment failed because it was too cold. It's also starting to get to me. I can laugh now but there were quite a few occasions we NGed because I started chattering from the cold."

Just then, Manager Kim entered their room, "Sorry, I was talking to the production team on the schedule for the afternoon. Ye-Jin, they brought forward the filming time. We need to leave an hour earlier." Manager Kim grimaced slightly, "Its also looking likely we will announce a hiatus for next week's episodes. They don't want to risk everyone falling sick by pushing the filming."

Ye-Jin was surprised, she knew it was a very big decision. In general, once a drama started airing, come hell or high water, the team would need to keep churning out the episodes. There were not many instances of hiatus. Filming was starting to get very tough, even for veterans like her but she was expecting to be required to just grit her teeth and continue. She was touched the production team would put the staff first. She knew it would not have been easy to get buy in from all the stakeholders.

"What did you want to discuss Ye-Jin?" Manager Kim turned to the matter at hand. He was now trying to hold back his smile. He was pretty sure he knew what it was about. It looked like everything went well on Christmas. He's very happy for Ye-Jin but they have a lot to discuss now that she's embarking on this new stage of her life.

Ye-Jin blushed slightly, it felt a little awkward to talk about a wedding proposal. She began a little hesitantly, "Onni, Oppa, Hyun Bin proposed on Christmas and I accepted." She sneaked a quick look at them. They were both smiling but didn't seem surprised at all.

Ye-Jin smiled wryly, "I can see you're not surprised."

Manager Kim laughed, "I think I likely knew before you that he's going to propose. I overheard Dong Wan talking to Lee Seung Gi shi's manager. He probably did it intentionally so that I could hear. It's not hard to guess from there. It depends on your answer of course but I didn't see you saying no. Congratulations Ye-Jin! I'm very happy for you."

CEO Lee walked over to Ye-Jin and gave her a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you too, Ye-Jin." With that, both of them started tearing. It was hard to describe their relationship. They started out as mere co-workers so many years ago. Who knew that CEO Lee would end up walking with Ye-Jin through every step of her career. Over the years, they have grown and bonded to become friends and then family. In fact, in many ways, they trusted and depended on each other more than most families would. Ye-Jin was like a daughter to her and she only wanted Ye-Jin to be happy.

"Hyun Bin is a very lucky man." CEO Lee smiled. "I'll remind him the next time I see him. So what are your plans? Let's see what we need to do from a work perspective."

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