Chapter 86: CLOY - Filming Continues (Part 6) and Ye-Jin's Birthday 2019

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Author's Note: I hope everyone had a good weekend. 😘

From a chronological perspective, we've reached Ye-Jin's birthday. I'm sure most people can guess what's next... 😋 Hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good week ahead!

It was 10th January and Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were scheduled to film all night. They would be filming critical scenes in the show, where Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri bid farewell to each other as Se-ri return to South Korea.

Scene 1: Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri's conversation as they journey towards the demarcation line (Episode 9)

This was an interesting scene. Hyun Bin, Ye-Jin and Director Lee had discussed and concluded they needed to evoke a wide spectrum of emotions from the audience. There was amusement at Jeong-hyeok's adorable way of showing his jealousy, satisfaction that fate had finally brought them together after all these years, exhilaration that Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri's hearts had recognized and found each other and yet heartache at their short-lived reunion and how they selflessly put each other first when faced with the desolating prospect of saying goodbye forever.


"Take care," Jeong-hyeok said solemnly. "Go back to your life as if nothing has happened."

Se-ri let out a small laugh, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I have so much work waiting for me. I'll get used to my old life in no time." She paused for a second and continued, "As always, I will earn and spend money well, work diligently and date men."

Jeong-hyeok reacted to her last point. His stomach churned at the thought of her with another man. He turned to look at Se-ri and asked, "Date men?"

Se-ri could guess what was running through his mind. She had said it intentionally, hoping to draw a reaction from him. Pleased that he was obviously bothered by the idea, she turned to him and asked mischievously, "Should I not do that?"

Jeong-hyeok was torn, what right did he have to stop her? "Well... its up to you," he finally said. Suddenly he remembered something Se-ri said in the past. He turned to her and asked seriously, "Didn't you say we should have a post break-up condolence period?" He was so self-conscious that he could barely meet Se-ri's eyes. "I think it was six months," he finished.

Se-ri teased him, "I simply meant you should do it. You told me to go back to my old life."

Jeong-hyeok retorted with wounded-looking eyes, "I didn't tell you to go back to men.

Se-ri responded, "You told me to act as if nothing happened."

Jeong-hyeok was now exasperated, "I didn't tell you to cozy up to men."

Se-ri laughed, pleased with his reaction. She asked, "Is a period of six months enough?"

Jeong-hyeok was ironically caught off-guard by her acquiescence and could only reply, "Sure." Wasn't that what he wanted?

Se-ri smiled gently and replied, "Okay. For six months, I will have a condolence period." Their eyes met. Se-ri continued with a smile, "It was fate. Think about it, its incredible that we met in Switzerland and now again in North Korea." Se-ri knew, regardless of Ri Jeong-hyeok said or did not say, she was never going to forget him.

Despite his innermost desire to keep her for himself, Jeong-hyeok knew he needed to do what was best for Se-ri. He steeled his heart and said, "You can date men, and hang out with other people as if nothing happened. But, don't be lonely again. Don't ever think of disappearing at a scenic place. You have me."

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