Chapter 20: Dinner "Date" (Part 1)

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At the filming set

As expected, given the level of chemistry between our leads, they quickly found their rhythm and filming progressed smoothly. They finished the day's filming a couple of hours ahead of schedule and Director Lee decided to call it a day.

Ye-Jin was in her dressing room, chatting with her make up artist, Min-Na about today's filming as she removed her make-up for the day. She had worked with Min-Na for about five years and while Min-Na was ten years her junior, she was very observant and outspoken. It was always fun to hear her comments on things.

Knock, knock. "Can I come in?" Hyun Bin's voice called from outside.

"Come on in," Ye-Jin replied.

"We're almost done, Oppa", Min-Na informed him. "Just another five minutes."

Hyun Bin nodded and took a seat at the sofa, making use of the opportunity to observe Ye-Jin. With most of her make-up removed, Ye-Jin looked even more beautiful. She had a glow that seemed to come from within her. Her complexion was porcelain clear and dewy, her eyes sparkling with merriment as she laughed at something Min-Na said. In his opinion, make-up did nothing but hide Ye-Jin's natural beauty.

She had already changed into a simple white blouse and jeans and her hair was loosely bundled up at the top of her head, leaving run-away curls to gently frame her face. Her nape was fully exposed and he realized how delicate and beautiful her neckline was. She looked casual, comfortable yet hauntingly beautiful.

"Oppa. Oppa? Oppa!" Min-Na's calls finally got through to him. "Are you okay?" she gave him a knowing smile.

Hyun Bin could feel the tip of his ears turning red, embarrassed at being caught staring. He coughed and said, "Sorry, I was thinking of something."

Min-Na laughed, "I could tell Oppa." He felt his ears turn even redder. Ye-Jin obviously had a much more relaxed relationship with her team. His own team would never openly tease him. "Onni, I'm going to have dinner with my boyfriend since we got off early. You've told Kim Oppa to pick you up?"

"Not yet," Ye-Jin replied. "I'm going to call him now. He should be nearby anyway, you go ahead. I'll see you tomorrow. Enjoy your dinner." Ye-Jin stood up to get her phone.

Hyun Bin quickly interjected before she could reach her phone. "Ye-Jin, I wanted to speak with you on tomorrow's scene. Can I have a minute?"

"Bye Onni, bye Oppa," Min-Na called out as she prepared to leave. "Fighting, Oppa!" she whispered to Hyun Bin with a wink as she passed him on her way out. Hyun Bin was left speechless, was he that obvious?

Ye-Jin observed his stunned expression and barely held back her laughter. Thank goodness for Min-Na, who was mischievous enough to tease Hyun Bin. Unknown to Hyun Bin, Ye-Jin looked calmed but her heart has been racing since he knocked on the door. She was sure the entire room could hear her heart pounding.

Now that they were finally alone, they fell silent. It wasn't by any means an uncomfortable silence, more like a we have so much to talk about, where shall we start type of silence. They both looked up and their eyes met. They smiled in unison. Hyun Bin with his deep dimples and Ye-Jin with her signature eye smile. They both took a mental snapshot, they will remember this smile for years to come.

"Shall we go for dinner? I drove today so I can send you home." Hyun Bin smiled. "I'll consider it as your thank you for the coffee."

Ye-Jin laughed. He knew there was no way she would say no to that. "Alright, let me call Kim Oppa to let him know and we can go."

Hyun Bin's smile deepened. "I'll wait for you at the carpark. You know the car? It's the same as the one you took previously."

"Alright, I'll leave a few minutes after you." Ye-Jin nodded. It was still better to be cautious.

In Hyun Bin's car

Hyun Bin adjusted the temperature upward as he waited for her. He recalled Ye-Jin had a lower tolerance for cold compared to him. He saw her step out of the lobby and got out to open the car door for her.

Ye-Jin smiled her thanks and slid into the car seat. Before she could react, Hyun Bin leaned in to fix her seatbelt. Ye-Jin froze and unknowingly held her breath, as he leaned so close that she could get a whiff of his aftershave scent. It was light yet masculine, very pleasant and suits him well.

As he stepped back, he looked at Ye-Jin and smiled. She was so obviously holding her breath that he wanted to laugh. "Do I make you nervous?" Hyun Bin teased, earning himself a glare. He laughed and got into the driver's seat. "Do you have any preference for dinner?"

Ye-Jin shook her head. "Let's go for something you feel like having. To be honest, I've been filming non-stop the last week, literally just sneaking in about six hours of sleep every day. My appetite hasn't been that good, I'll just pick something light from the menu.

Hyun Bin frowned subconsciously as he listened to her. He knows non-stop filming was sometimes unavoidable and part of the job but it was still upsetting to hear that she's going through a tough schedule. He suddenly had an idea for dinner but wasn't sure if it was appropriate. He looked at her uncertainly.

Ye-Jin felt his hesitation and asked, "Do you have some place in mind? Where is it?"

Hyun Bin paused for a second and she could literally see his mind turning as he considered. He asked after a while , "How about my place?"

There was a sudden tension in the air and Hyun Bin realized how his statement came out. He hurriedly tried to explain, "I didn't mean it that way... what I meant was to make you a Naengguk (chilled soup), that should help with the appetite. I also have lots of side dishes my mum made. It's not elaborate, but it should be a comforting meal. I think you need that more than a fancy restaurant." He took a glance at her. "I really don't have other thoughts in mind, Ye-Jin."

Ye-Jin thought for a moment and she lightly touched his arm. "I know you don't mean anything suggestive, Bin. I was actually thinking about the risk of being seen by anyone. That's all. Are you sure it's safe for us to go to your place?"

"It should be safe, I have my own lot and a private lift." Hyun Bin assured her.

Ye-Jin smiled softly, "Alright, let's go to your place then. I'm looking forward to trying your Naengguk."

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