Chapter 141: October 2020

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Author's Notes:

Happy Weekend! Thanks to all your feedback, I realized so many things happened during the Oct time period 😊 There were so many useful inputs that I can't thank you individually but if you read your idea in the story... you know it's yours and I want to say thank you!

I finally decided to write this chapter as little stories so I could touch on the multiple events. Hopefully it doesn't feel too fragmented!

The little puppy is here! I was hoping we would get confirmation on the puppy by now but 😭😭😭. I've gone ahead to spin a story of it... since YJ liked the pic with Mina comment, I've decided to go with Mina in this story. it's a pretty name too 😊

Thanks again @Artiejjie for editing!

Also, thank you all for your votes, comments and for simply reading! I hope you enjoy the chapter. ❤️

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and for folks who celebrate Easter, Happy Easter!

For Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin, October of 2020 was special. After two and a half months of separation, they were back together again. They made a few life-changing decisions, which took their relationship to the next stage.

Ironically, whilst being pushed out of their comfort zone, they found freedom and peace. They were doing the right things, at the right time.

Story 1: Hyun Bin's Birthday Message to Fans

On 5th Oct, ten days after Hyun Bin's birthday, Vast finally posted a thank you video on their IG account.

They had originally planned to post Hyun Bin's thanks two days after his birthday. He had already written a thank you letter in multiple languages to thank both his Korean and International fans for their birthday wishes. The day after his birthday, Hyun Bin told them there was a change of plans - he wanted to do a video instead.

Hyun Bin's thirty-eighth birthday had been very special, because of Ye-Jin's present - a major milestone in their road to forever. He would remember this for the rest of his life. While thanking his fans for their love, he also wanted to share his happiness with them. Even if he couldn't directly tell them the good news, he hoped they could see how blissful and content he was and be happy for him.

Due to the Chuseok holidays and his trip to Daegu, Hyun Bin could only record his message on 4th October. What he thought would be a five minute take dragged to thirty!

The first NG happened because of the camera man. He had been so dazzled by Hyun Bin's blissful smile that he forgot to click record. NG.

The second NG was Kang Kun Taek's fault. He had not met Hyun Bin since he returned from Jordan and went over to the recording room to see him. He uncharacteristically burst into laughter half way through the recording.

Kang Kun Taek tried to apologize between bouts of laughter. When did Hyun Bin become so "cute"? He started his message with his now signature "open-finger" wave. This was Kang Kun Taek's first time witnessing the adorable but still unexpected action and he barely managed to swallow his laughter. When Hyun Bin did his big circle action, Kang Kun Taek couldn't help it - he burst out laughing.

An exasperated Hyun Bin escorted him out of the room and finally finished filming on the third attempt.

From Hyun Bin

Hello. It's been a long while since I last greeted you.
How are you doing?
I am back after filming 'Bargaining' well.

To all my fans who celebrated my birthday in various ways, I want to thank you for your precious hearts. I thought of how I should express my gratitude and I decided to greet you through this video.

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