Chapter 80: More Side Stories

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Author's Note: Hope everyone is having a good week. Decided to do a lighthearted and warm chapter to describe in more details some of the interaction I imagine they would have. It seemed particularly appropriate after reading good news about the Japan fan meeting and hopefully he does show up 🤞 Hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good week ahead!

1) That Warm and Fuzzy Feeling

Filming was starting to get physically challenging for everyone. Winter had set in and it was worse than usual this year, with temperatures dropping to unusually low levels.

While it was bad for everyone, the cast had it the worst because their set clothes were generally thinly padded for aesthetic purposes. You can't have your romantic lead all wrapped up like a dumpling right?

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were freezing and worse, this scene was jinxed. They had been at it for the last forty minutes when it should really be a fifteen minutes take. The lights failed due to the cold during their first take and it had taken ten minutes to warm up the batteries. A large bug flew into the main camera during the second take and they had to repeat. One of the cameras failed on the third take and the crew were now trying to fix the problem.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had put back on their thick winter jackets as they waited by the side. By now, their body temperatures had already dropped and their bodies were not warming up quickly enough even with the jackets.

Ye-Jin, particularly, was struggling with the cold. Hyun Bin frowned as he looked at her. He knew she reacted poorly to the cold and she actually looked pale even with all the make up on. Her hands must be unbearably cold and she took them out of the safety of her winter jacket and alternated between blowing at them and rubbing them.

Hyun Bin looked for Dong Wan and when he caught Dong Wan's eye, made a rubbing action with his hands, indicating for Dong Wan to get some heat pads. Dong Wan understood and motioned that he needed to go to the car to get them.

Hyun Bin moved closer to Ye-Jin and he could now hear her teeth chattering. That was the last straw. He couldn't stand to see her suffer, not when he was here and could do something about it.

To Ye-Jin's surprise, she felt a warm pair of hands wrapped over hers. Hyun Bin brought her hands to his mouth and he blew warm air on them. The warmth was instantaneous and so comforting she let out a sigh of relief. What followed though, just a few seconds later, was a mild sense of panic when Ye-Jin realized what Hyun Bin just did in front of everyone. She looked up at him with widened eyes.

Hyun Bin looked at her and massaged her hands reassuringly. He then calmly spoke, loud enough for people around them to hear, "You're freezing, Ye-Jin shi. You need some help to warm your hands."

There was a frenzy of activities as people realized that Ye-Jin was pale and everyone looked around to see what they could do. Just then, Dong Wan appeared with the heat pads and he smilingly handed them to Ye-Jin. Hyun Bin gave Ye-Jin's hands a final rub and released her, before nonchalantly walking back to his position. He gave her a slight wink and took the heat pads from Dong Wan for himself.

Ye-Jin couldn't help but smile. She felt all warm and fuzzy now despite the bitter cold. Her hands were warmed by the heat pads he gave and her heart warmed by his love for her. Hyun Bin had obviously been unable to stomach seeing her struggle with the cold. Despite his reluctance to act intimately in front of the crew, her well-being had taken precedence. Her man was clever too, he had legitimized his actions by simply voicing out loud her struggle with the cold. After all, nobody would gossip about his action when he was just looking out for his co-star.

Hyun Bin was smart and a good strategist. However, he was only half right about people's reaction. People did understand his action when they realized that Ye-Jin was struggling with the cold. In fact, they felt bad that they had not noticed it earlier. However, he was wrong about them not gossiping. On the contrary, gossips were abound after that evening. What were people gossiping about?

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