Chapter 38: The Negotiation Promotions

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Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were in full swing promotion mode for The Negotiations through most of September 2018. The feedback on the movie was generally good, with many praises for Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's transformation and chemistry.

One noteworthy point though, both media and fans alike left the numerous events with a somewhat confused look. What were they confused about? This was supposed to be a crime thriller and Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were enemies in the show. However, half of attendees left with the impression that this was a romantic crime thriller and Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin played lovers. The remaining half left speculating if Hyun Bin and Son Ye-Jin were dating for real.

Why was there confusion? It's thanks to our dear Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin and their pink bubbles. Despite their best intentions, they couldn't hide the pink bubbles. (They have never been able to anyway) Also, this was the honeymoon period of their relationship and it was not easy to hide their happiness and longing for each other. They had some obvious slip ups which they mentally berated themselves for but the reality was, in most instances, they didn't even realize when they slipped up. Read and judge for yourself...

The Negotiation Promotion - 3rd Sep 2018

They had a showcase at a Golden Village cinema during lunch time. This interview would go down in history as the first crime thriller movie with the vibes of a romantic movie.

1) Hyun Bin's focus on Ye-Jin

While it was good manners for a man to be considerate to his partner, Hyun Bin was way too attentive.

Ye-Jin was dressed in a black wrap dress style dress which had a high cut in the front, partially covered by a drape from her waist. Hyun Bin had doubts about the cutting of the dress when he first saw it but was distracted as they were running late.

At the interview, they were about to take a seat after greeting the audience when Hyun Bin remembered the cutting. He quietly asked her if she needed a blanket and she smiled brightly at him, opening up the drape to show him that it acts as a cover for her dress. The audience took note of his actions, it was rare for an actor to take such close notice of his co-star's dressing.

The crowd observed Hyun Bin's attentiveness throughout the interview. He picked up the microphone from her chair so she wouldn't accidentally sit on it (as if she would), he held her elbow immediately to steady her when she stumbled slightly, he was so attentive that he even noticed her adjusting her sleeves and turned to look!

2) They couldn't stop praising each other and want to work together again

While it was common for co-stars to praise each other, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin brought it to new heights, pink bubbles thrown in as freebies.

Hyun Bin said, "Son Ye-Jin is a great actress and I relied on her a lot." Nothing really wrong with his comment, except that Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin then turned to each other and exchanged a long gaze. That was not normal.

They were asked to express as a score how it was to work with each other. Hyun Bin went first and gave a score of 90, expressing that he deducted 10 points as he didn't get to meet Ye-Jin much as they were mainly filming through monitors. He was sad over that. Ye-Jin gave him 100 points. I liked acting with him even if it was only through monitors. Wasn't their answers just overflowing with sweetness?

The icing on the cake was when Hyun Bin carried on to say that he would rather meet Ye-Jin in a romantic comedy or melodrama. Ye-Jin nodded in agreement. It's really not common for actors to say they would rather work together in a different project when they are promoting for this project!

3) Some of their answers/actions bordered on flirtatious.

They were asked how would you feel if your roles were swapped. Hyun Bin's response? I think it would be nice to be a hostage if Son Ye-Jin was the kidnapper!

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