Chapter 6: First Day of Filming - The Negotiation

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First Day of Filming

Filming started in earnest the following Monday. They tried out the "simultaneous dual filming" method which will be used. This method requires them to film in different locations at the same time, viewing each out through monitors, exactly as depicted in the plot. This is versus the more traditional method of filming one party first and the other party acting to the pre-filmed scene.

It was the first time both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were filming via this method. They couldn't tap on the traditional acting points like each other's breathing, face to face expression, physical body language. Everything looked two dimensional on screen and they struggled. They couldn't get into rhythm, couldn't match up their response, nothing seemed to work. At the end of the first day, they were both close to throwing in the towel.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin sat dejected at the set, waiting to have their debrief with Director Lee. They looked at each other. "We must be missing something critical," Ye-Jin started. "I watched when you were testing the solo scene and I can feel your emotions and the tension. Why can't I pick up on it once we're on monitor?"

"It's the same for me, everything just feels flat on the monitor. I don't know what to focus on to bring the feelings across." Hyun Bin concurred. "And I feel like I'm watching you act on the monitor rather than acting with you. It's a strangely detached feeling."

Director Lee sat down from his two leads and consoled them. "It's your first try at this method. We expected that it will take some time to find the technique and rhythm. Don't be too hard on yourself. I was reviewing the takes, maybe the missing link is your awareness of the need to imagine."

Ye-Jin and Hyun Bin immediately broke into similar frowns, "Imagination?" Ye-Jin started. "That's interesting, we don't usually have to use imagination when actually filming. We pick up leads and cues from our partner's portrait of the scenario."

Director Lee nodded, "That's the case for normal filming conditions. In this method, you're not in the same physical space as your partner. You don't have access to some of the leads or cues actors typically use. So try this, look at the monitors and add on how you imagine your partner will portray the third dimension of emotions. I know it's your first time working together and it's a big ask but I saw your chemistry during the script reading, I think you can do it. Put yourself in each other's shoes. Let's give it a try tomorrow, we'll see if there is a difference." Director Lee patted both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin on the shoulder. "Get a good rest tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."

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