Chapter 76: CLOY - Press Conference & Interviews (Part 1)

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Flashback one week ago - VAST office

VAST and MSTeam's public relations team had been hard at work today drafting and agreeing on responses for the press conference. Typical of South Korea press conferences, questions from the media were submitted to the production team and agencies in advance for vetting. The production team had been preparing for the conference for the past week. Questions were shared and responses planned and coordinated. For VAST and MSTeam, there were even more preparation work as many of the questions were targeted at Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin would be coming over after filming today to run through. They arrived around 7pm, apologizing for being an hour late. There had been some delay in their filming today.

"Do you want to have dinner first?" Hyun Bin asked Ye-Jin. He was worried she'll be hungry. They barely had time for lunch today.

Ye-Jin smiled, "Let's finish running through the questions first. It shouldn't take more than an hour anyway, we can eat after." She felt bad that both teams were waiting just for the two of them. Hyun Bin nodded, he didn't like holding back the teams either and they likely haven't had dinner too.

This was going to be their first live public appearance since the dating rumors. Their agencies wanted to make sure everyone agreed on how they should act, respond and prevent any surprises.

Manager Kim started, "Since its the official press conference event, I think its easier for the two of you to act more formally towards each other. No one will comment on your behavior since it's technically a serious occasion. The media questions have been vetted by our teams, there's should hopefully be no surprises on that day."

Hyun Bin considered and agreed, "Yes, that makes sense. One of the main aims of the press conference is also to introduce our characters. Given Ri Jeong-hyeok is a quiet person, its also reasonable for me to behave in line with my character."

Dong Wan heaved a loud sigh of relief. He had asked Manager Kim to suggest this, knowing Hyun Bin would be more receptive if it came from Ye-Jin Nuna's side. After Hyung's last recording for TvN interview, Dong Wan was convinced it would be better if his Hyung just acted aloof like Ri Jeong-hyeok. If he continued as Hyun Bin, there was no way the media would even pretend to believe that they were not dating.

Hyun Bin threw Dong Wan a dirty look, what was he insinuating again. Dong Wan pretended he was busy reviewing the document on the table.

The public relations team passed out the questions and proposed responses. "The questions we received were mostly within expectations. There were quite a few around the earlier dating rumors. We didn't think we would be able to totally avoid addressing this so we picked the most indirect question, asking if the dating rumors affected your decision to act in the drama. Given you have already accepted the drama, we can safely say there's no truth to the dating rumors."

Ye-Jin bit her lip as she considered the answer. She didn't want to be difficult but she didn't want to lie. She spoke softly, "I prefer not to tell an outright lie. Can we modify the response?"

Hyun Bin smiled when he heard. He had been about to say that himself. He remembered very well their promise not to lie if they could avoid it. "Yes, I feel the same. The question didn't directly ask if we were dating. Let's just answer as it was asked and say we were not affected by the rumors and it didn't affect our choices. I'll take that question when they ask."

He turned to look at Ye-Jin and they exchanged a smile. They would keep their promise.

Manager Kim knew about their agreement from LA and he didn't see any issues with Hyun Bin's proposed answer. He cleared his throat and said, "Okay, I think that's alright as well. And the last thing. In the event we do get unexpected questions, the two of you would have to play by ear and decide who should respond. The other will just support the answer, whatever it is. We can't have contradictory answers."

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