Chapter 22: Round Two of Tabloids and Rumors

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The Negotiation Filming set

Hyun Bin was relieved to see Ye-Jin in good spirits when they met at the filming set the next day. Come to think of it, it's technically the same day since it was almost 1am when they arrived at her house last night. He had wanted to walk her to the door but she declined, saying it was very late and he should quickly go back and get some rest. He knew she needed the space and time and acceded to her.

With a hot Americano in hand, Hyun Bin knocked on her changing room door. "Can I come in?"

"Come on in." Ye-Jin called out. She was alone.

"My peace offering," Hyun Bin smiled gently and handed over the coffee. His smile widened when he saw her perk up at her favorite coffee brand.

She looked at him, "how did you know this is my favorite brand?"

"I have my ways," Hyun Bin replied, smiling smugly now. The truth was he had bumped into Min-Ji, Ye-Jin's make-up artist, yesterday and tried to fish for information by striking a conversation about coffee. Min-Ji immediately saw through him and had been very willing to offer information on Ye-Jin's likes and dislikes. Min-Ji is a very smart girl, Hyun Bin thought to himself.

Just then, there was a knock, the door opened and Manager Kim sailed in. He was startled to see Hyun Bin in the room and stopped abruptly. He turned to Ye-Jin and asked almost comically, "did I interrupt anything?"

Ye-Jin and Hyun Bin both saw the funny side of the situation. Shouldn't it be Manager Kim asking Hyun Bin why he was here instead? Ye-Jin replied, "Not at all Oppa, Hyun Bin brought coffee over, that's all."

Manager Kim threw Hyun Bin a doubtful look but continued. "Anyway Ye-Jin, Director Ahn called this morning. They added an additional scene last minute and asked if you can be at the filming set around 8pm today. It will just take an hour or so. I spoke with Director Lee, we should be able to make it and I've agreed. The script writer will send the details in the afternoon for you to take a look."

"Okay, it must be related to the argument scene. I mentioned that to the scriptwriter last week, it's good they are adding it in." Ye-Jin said.

"I'll come back around 6pm to wait for you then. I need to go back to the office to discuss the CF we talked about. If you need anything, let Min-Ji know, I've asked her to help."

Hyun Bin was disappointed when he heard their conversation. He had planned to ask Ye-Jin out for a proper dinner "date" tonight since they were scheduled to end early. Ye-Jin saw his expression and said, "Sorry, I would have loved to go for dinner with you if not for this."

Hyun Bin looked at Ye-Jin and their eyes locked. They both smiled at their telepathic abilities.

At a bar in Itaewon

Ye-Jin and Jang Hae In were seated side by side, sipping red wine. Director Ahn was in a very good mood due to the steady increase in ratings and had insisted on buying Ye-Jin and Hae-In a drink after their filming ended. Director Ahn had stepped out to take a phone call and Ye-Jin and Hae-In were left alone, chatting and enjoying their wine. To an outsider, they did look like a couple out on a date, seemingly affirming tabloid speculation that they were dating.

What was the real relationship between Ye-Jin and Jang Hae In? Jang Hae In was six years younger than Ye-Jin but they got along well. He's easy-going, funny and friendly, a perfect fit to Ye-Jin's personality. Ye-Jin treated him like a younger brother. For Hae-In, Ye-Jin's a senior actress he respects and gets along with but he's also a man who recognizes that she's a beautiful and attractive woman, hence the occasional blush and red ears when they tease him about liking her.

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