Chapter 152: Public Outings

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Author's Notes: Hello! I hope everyone is having a good weekend 😊 Firstly, apologies that this update took longer than expected... I took a couple of days off for a short staycation and it unfortunately resulted in a more intense work week. 😭🤣 Still, the break was good!

Back to this chapter... I've been meaning to do this for a while. I  have all this images of them enjoying themselves on dates. We don't get much news (I suspect it's because people are so respectful of their privacy) but I'm pretty certain they do go out on dates. This chapter is to get it out of my system! 🤣

Thank you for all your votes and comments and I hope you enjoy this! (Plus a little side story on Kitty) 🥰🥰🥰 enjoy the rest of the weekend!

It has already been a month since Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's dating news broke. To their amazement, the public's interest in them showed no signs of abating.

The media were still in a frenzy. Reporters were digging out old footages and interviews to find clues of their relationship. Articles were written when anyone made the slightest comment about them. It was crazy.

Their fans were still euphoric. After two years of repeated denials and heartbreaks, their ship had finally docked. All over the world, they were celebrating with no end in sight.

Even antis were more engaged than ever, albeit in an agitated way. This tiny delusional minority blamed Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin for fanning their delusional beliefs. Weird? Yes, very.

One would expect Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's lives to see dramatic changes. The reality couldn't be further from that. For most parts, they were the same.

For the past three years, they had lived in their own little bubble. Outside of their family and close friends, no one knew about them. They avoided crowds and drawing any unnecessary attention to themselves.

It may sound unbelievable but 95% of the time, they loved their little bubble. They were both private people and had been perfectly happy in their bubble. The problem had been the remaining 5% - when they had been forced to deny each other (Chapter 106) and deal with all the nonsensical fake rumors (A/N: Chapters 117, 118, 132, 133). That had been painful enough for them to take action.

So, 95% of their life would remain unchanged. The 5% though, would be life-changing. They were now free to bring their private bubble into public space. And they were going to happily do so.

Story 1: Department Store Shopping

Ye-Jin linked her arm with Hyun Bin's while they waited for the lift. This was their first time after nearly three years of dating and it felt surreal.

What were they doing? They were going shopping together!

When the lift door opened, Ye-Jin looked up at Hyun Bin. Their eyes met and they exchanged a smile. Today was going to be fun!

Last night at the Ye-Jin's Apartment

Ye-Jin sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, looking intently at a magazine.

"Are you looking for something in particular?" Hyun Bin asked with an amused smile. This level of focus was reserved for scripts, not magazines.

Still focused on her magazine, Ye-Jin absentmindedly mumbled, "I'm doing research."

His brows furrowed. Research?

She looked up and smiled at his puzzled expression, "Research on this season's spring looks." She gave a self-deprecating laugh, "I may not look like it but I make an effort to keep up with fashion."

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