Chapter 118: The Run-Up to Baeksang (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! This chapter rounds up the period before Baeksang... my guess on what they were doing during this period and also my take on how they both landed up dressed in Ralph Lauren that day 😉

We'll move to the Baeksang the next chapter....

As usual, thanks for all your votes and comments/suggestions! I saw quite a few readers commenting that they're re-reading. thank you so much for that! I hope its just as entertaining the second time lol. 😂 Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

The Welcome Home Light and Preparing Ye-Jin

Hyun Bin rubbed the back of his neck as he pressed the passcode to the main door. He was exhausted. They had spent almost twelve hours today  filming one of the key action scene. Everyone was drained but the results had been great. Hyun Bin was also relieved that they had completed it with no one sustaining serious injuries.

As he stepped into the house, the automatic lights at the door way lit up. When he lifted his head, the brightly lit living area beckoned, almost as if it was welcoming him home. His lips curved into a smile and a warm and fuzzy feeling spread through him. Ye-Jin made it a point to keep the living area lights on when he returned home late.

It was a small gesture but it touched Hyun Bin deeply. Since moving out of his parent's home, Hyun Bin had always returned to a darkened home. In all honesty, he never thought much of it. After all, anyone living alone would expect to return to a dark house. It would be a waste of electricity to keep the lights on when no one was home.

As the saying goes, you can't miss what you don't know. Now that he did know what it felt like to have someone keep a light on for you, he wasn't sure if he could go back to the days of returning to a dark house.

Wasn't it strange how quickly people adapted? Hyun Bin mused. How could something which he enjoyed for less than a month feel more natural than something which was his norm for more than ten years. Hyun Bin smiled to himself as he shook his head lightly.

He looked at the clock as he entered the living area. It was already 1am. Ye-Jin should be asleep by now. At least he hoped she was.

Flashback to last week

He had a couple of night scenes last week and had returned home to find not just the lighted living area but also a barely awake Ye-Jin, curled up on the sofa with a book. She looked so sleepy that it was obvious the book was an excuse. She was waiting for him.

Hyun Bin had mixed feelings. One part of him wanted her to already be sleeping. Ye-Jin needed to regulate her lifestyle in order to fully recover. His hours were going to be erratic for the next few months. It won't do well for her to keep waiting for him. Another part of him (and in truth, this was the larger part) was delighted to see her. Ye-Jin was like an energy booster for him. Just seeing her brought a smile to his face. She made him forget his exhaustion and he realized once again how much he missed her.

He stepped forward and gathered her into his arms. He felt his tension and exhaustion fade away. She was safely in his arms and nothing else mattered. After enjoying her presence for a minute, he did (albeit reluctantly) what he needed to do. He nagged at her.

Hyun Bin reminded Ye-Jin of what Doctor Yoon had instructed, how she would not fully recover if she kept odd hours, how she needed to take better care of herself... he went on and on. After ten minutes, a sleepy and maybe contrite Ye-Jin nodded her head amicably at him and went to bed.

Hyun Bin shook his head. Contrite his foot. Ye-Jin only heard what she wanted to hear. She was now going back to bed because she had already seen him.

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