Chapter 77: CLOY - Press Conference & Interviews (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: Hope everyone is having a good week. It's been busy for me so unfortunately updates will be slower. Thank you for all your votes and comments - it's very encouraging to see them 😊 hope you enjoy the chapter!

The official press conference was just one third of their work for the day. There was another live Kaokao talk interview and then a series of promotion recordings for various countries and distributors. It was going to be a long day.

They were in the dressing room touching up their make-up for the Kaokao talk live segment. Hyun Bin turned slightly to look at Ye-Jin. To his surprise, her eyes were closed and she appeared to be resting. He frowned, it was rare to see her looking so tired. She usually maintained a high level of energy when at work, this was definitely not normal.

He waited for Min-Ji to finish touching up and softly asked, "Are you feeling okay? You look tired."

Ye-Jin gave a small smile, "I'll be fine after a short rest. I think the long filming hours are finally getting to me. I woke up this morning with a tickle in the throat but it got better after I took some medicine. I felt alright at the press conference too." She continued with a rueful expression, "Now that I'm sitting down, I suddenly have a headache and feel lethargic."

Hyun Bin's frown deepened when he heard that. "I'll ask them to get you a panadol for the headache first. We have to do the live chat but we can ask them to reschedule the promotion video recordings since you're not well. Only a very small crew is involved so it's minimal impact. I'll ask Dong Wan to coordinate."

Ye-Jin hurriedly sat up,"I'm not that sick, Tae-Pyung. It's fine, I can do the recordings. It's just a mild headache. I'm fine."

Hyun Bin was not convinced. He was sure Ye-Jin was understating how poorly she felt. He had sensed this morning that she seemed more reserved than usual but he had assumed it was because they had agreed to act formally around each other for the press conference. Now he knew the real reason.

Ye-Jin quickly continued, "I'm not hiding it. It's really not so bad that we have to postpone the recording. If it is, I'll definitely say so." She cutely held her hand up, as if swearing its the truth. "I'm sure I'll feel better after taking the medicine." She smiled brightly at him.

Hyun Bin sighed. He knew he was not going to win this one. Ye-Jin won't want to cause any inconvenience to the team. He couldn't make her feel better but what he could do was to be more talkative and entertaining later, so there would be lesser pressure on Ye-Jin.

Hyun Bin reached out to give Ye-Jin a hug but just then, there was a knock on the door. He dropped his hands just as their host for the session, Park Seul Gi, popped her head through the door. She smiled brightly when she saw Ye-Jin and Hyun Bin. "Hello!"

Hyun Bin saw Ye-Jin brighten up and his own expression softened. He knew Park Seul Gi from past events but they were not close. Judging by Ye-Jin's expression, Hyun Bin guessed they were friends. He was glad the host was someone Ye-Jin knew well, it would make the interview easier for Ye-Jin.

"Onni!" Park Seul Gi gave Ye-Jin a big hug. "I haven't seen you in such a long time. Congratulations on your new drama! You must be so busy."

"Yes, its been so long," Ye-Jin beamed. "And congratulations on the baby! You were getting married when we had the interview a few years back and now you're having a baby. I'm so envious!" Ye-Jin laughed as she gently patted Park Seul Gi's stomach.

Hyun Bin observed their interaction from the side and smiled at how excited the two ladies were as they caught up on their latest happenings. At least Ye-Jin looked more like her usual self now. His ears perked up when Ye-Jin said she was envious of the baby. They have never discussed having a family. He was very happy to hear Ye-Jin say she's envious. That's a good sign right? He would love to have a large family.

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