Chapter 164: The Jeju Trip (Part 3)

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Author's Notes: Happy Monday! Apologies this chapter took so long. As usual, work got a little crazy and lol... i've also been distracted by watching ads in between. (It's weird but I actually find it a little therapeutic to watch these ads to collect hearts 😅😅)

A light-hearted chapter this time. I do think a couple need to have lives outside themselves 🥰 and they could both have a good time while apart (for a short while of course). Anyway, this is my take and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for reading, all your ❤️ and comments! Have a great week ahead!

In drama-land, time crawled by whenever lovers were separated. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were lovers and they were separated but, for them, their time apart flew by. She had fun with her friends and he had a productive week. Before they even realized it, she was back in Seoul.

Why didn't they miss each other more? Antis would gleefully gloat that Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's relationship must be on the rocks. They were tired of each other. Or maybe, like what they had been saying, the entire relationship was media-play!

It was nonsense. Kim Tae-Pyung and Son Eon-Jin were not lovers in drama-land. They were from the real world and here, individuals in a relationship had lives outside of each other. In fact, it's key to a successful and sustainable relationship.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin understood this well. As much as they love each other, they were also independent individuals. Both were ambitious and hungry for professional achievements. Both had friends and people who relied on them. They had responsibilities beyond each other.

It was about balance, compromise and a desire to make things work. This was their love. Whether physically together or apart, they were one at heart. Even apart, they shared experiences. They trusted absolutely. They thrived on the other's happiness.

Time flew by, because they were happy. They loved so much they wanted to be happy, because that was what the other party would want.

Story 1: Lunch

At Jeju

Ye-Jin, Song Yoon-Ah and her non-celebrity neighbor/friend, Min-Eun were having lunch at Byuldonbyul. It was a popular barbecue restaurant, known for their delightful outdoor dining area and black pork.

Ye-Jin placed a piece of meat on Yoon-Ah and Min-Eun's plates and ate a bite herself. She moaned, "It's really yummy, Onni. I forgot how good Jeju black pork tasted!"

Kitty's eyes never left Ye-Jin's chopsticks, following them from the hotplate, to Yoon-Ah and Min-Eun's plates, back to the hotplate and finally to Mummy's mouth. She panted and barked, "Arf... arf arf?" (Mummy... me too?)

The three ladies couldn't help but laugh at Kitty's hopeful gaze. Yoon-Ah cajoled on Kitty's behalf, "Let her have a piece. Consider it an experience."

Ye-Jin shook her head but held out a piece. As Kitty chomped eagerly on the meat, Ye-Jin nagged, "You're only getting one piece, Kitty. It's seasoned and not good for you. You should eat the food I prepared for you."

Oblivious to Ye-Jin's lecture, Kitty swallowed and closed her eyes in bliss. This was the most delicious thing she has ever eaten. Even the forbidden chicken nuggets paled in comparison! Kitty's eyes opened but her heart sank when she saw Mummy's face. There was no way she would be getting another taste. She hung her head and slowly walked back to her lunch bowl. Mummy was no-fun!

Ye-Jin picked up a lettuce, dripped the slice of pork belly lightly with sesame oil, added a dollop of ssamjang, a slice of kimchi and a piece of crunchy green chili. She paused momentarily, set the wrap on the plate and took a photo. She typed on her phone, smiling to herself before setting the phone down. She looked up only to meet Song Yoon-Ah and Min-Eun's knowing gaze.

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