Chapter 130: The First Night/Day

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Author's Note:

Happy Sunday All! Sorry this chapter took a little longer than expected and I wanted to also heads up that updates would probably be slower this week. With the lunar new year coming, I've been swamped with cleaning duties 😭 So, if I don't get to update before the lunar new year, here's an advance Happy Lunar New Year to everyone who celebrates this!

This chapter focuses on how their normalize their emotions about the separation period. I do think given their level of maturity, while they miss each other, they would have found a way to cope and at the same time, live up to their responsibilities in other aspects of their lives. The side story is a result of a reader's note about how HB's video was on MSTeam's YouTube page. I do think its something interesting and have included a spin on it. Thank you for the note! 🥰

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Thank you for all your comments, and encouragement. Readers have been reaching out with many kind words and I just want to say a big thank you again!

Have a good week ahead! 😘

Ye-Jin's First Night Alone

It was almost 3 am. The bathroom door opened and a tired looking Ye-Jin emerged. Her eyes swept across the bedroom and an uncertain frown appeared on her face. It was almost as if she didn't recognize her bedroom.

After a moment, she went up the bed and sat on the side Hyun Bin usually slept. She knew it was absurd but she felt closer to him this way. She leaned back against the headboard and closed her eyes.

It had been an eventful night, an emotional rollercoaster actually.

It was 1 am when Ye-Jin arrived home. She had given Jung-Ho and Soo-Jin an apologetic smile when she thanked them for the ride home and bid them good night. She knew she had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire journey home but she just could not muster up enough energy to engage in small talk. Thankfully, Jung-Ho and Soo-Jin understood.

Ye-Jin's phone rang just as she stepped into the house. A lovely smile spread across her face and her spirits lifted. It was Hyun Bin.

Even though it had only been an hour since they separated, Ye-Jin's heart skipped a beat when she heard his deep baritone voice. She sense of longing for him was so sharp, it felt as if they had been apart for days.

Hyun Bin updated her that he had cleared customs and was now waiting with the rest of the cast and crew. He reminded her to check the locks and asked her to turn in for the night. He had at least another hour before boarding time and he didn't want her stay up. He would message her before he board the flight.

Ye-Jin readily agreed to Hyun Bin's request. She didn't want to worry him, especially not within the first few hours of their separation. To her consternation and frustration, she failed to keep her word. She simply couldn't do it.

Ye-Jin had fully intended to do what Hyun Bin asked. It was a simple request and totally reasonable. She first went around the apartment to check that the windows and doors were locked. She did take longer than it should because she was looking at her phone every other second but she eventually finished checking. Satisfied the apartment was secured, she went to the bathroom to have her shower. That was when the problem started.

Ye-Jin found that she couldn't stop checking her handphone long enough to have a shower. She placed her handphone on the sink counter while she undressed. Except for that two seconds when she had to pull her top over her head, her eyes were glued to her phone. She naturally picked up the phone as she walked into the shower.

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