Chapter 87: False Rumors

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Author's Notes: Wondering if anybody was surprised by this chapter? 😂 This was one of the 'events' I wanted to write about since I first started this story. I personally have mixed feelings about rumors but I felt that the most important thing was that they have the support of their loved ones. The truth will prevail eventually! I also think people need to face crisis to really test the strength of their relationship. This was the closest event which I could spin into a 'test'.

Again, thanks for all the votes and comments, I have fun reading them and its good to know that you're enjoying the story! Hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good week ahead! 💕

Alert: There's some adult content towards the last third of this chapter. Please skip if you are not comfortable.

The day of Ye-Jin's birthday had started well. The tteokbokki filled Ye-Jin's stomach and warmed her heart. Hyun Bin was feeling very pleased with himself. All the tteokbokki he had consumed the past month had been worth it. Even though they were not physically together, they have never felt each other's love more acutely.

Unfortunately, the happy and chirpy mood was about to dissipate. Why? Hyun Bin would soon be caught up in rumors and what would perhaps be the first test of their relationship.

The Scandal

The news actually broke yesterday. Actor Jo Jin Moo's phone had been hacked. He had refused to pay the demanded hush money and the hacker released his phone chats to the media. To the public's abhorrence, the chats were from the 2013 time period and were mainly explicit commentaries around their trysts with numerous women. It was also full of derogatory comments about women. Jang Dong Gun was subsequently identified as the other person in the chat and the gossip mills exploded. He was an A-list actor and his wife was pregnant during the alleged incidents. The media went in for the kill.

Hyun Bin actually saw the news when it first broke yesterday. Jang Dong Gun and Jo Jin Moo were his close seniors and he had been worried about them. He spoke briefly with them yesterday and knew it was going to be bad. There was going to be a huge backlash from this. Hyun Bin was more worried about how their families were going to cope but apart from offering them some comforting words, there was really little he could do. Hyun Bin wasn't going to find an excuse for their behavior. He believed in reaping what one sowed and that everyone would eventually have to pay a price for their actions. He only hoped their families would pull through it.

What Hyun Bin didn't expect was that he would also be dragged into the scandal. As the media dug further, it was reported that several other top male stars were mentioned in the chats. Hyun Bin was one of them. There were no details given but typical of human nature, everyone assumed the worst. Hyun Bin was a close friend of the two primary culprits and hence must have been part of their immoral activities.

Hyun Bin was in the midst of filming and unaware of the media frenzy around his speculated involvement. His first hint of trouble was when he saw Dong Wan walk towards him. Instead of his usual dorky and friendly look, Dong Wan had a deep frown etched onto his face and looked unusually worried.

"Hyung," Dong Wan spoke softly when he reached Hyun Bin. "Your name was brought up in Jin Moo Hyung's scandal. Several media outlets ran reports that your name was mentioned in the chats and everything went crazy from that point. There's all kinds of speculations online that you were part of their womanizing activities."

Hyun Bin winced slightly at Dong Wan's choice of words. It was true they were womanizing but it struck a chord when it was put so bluntly. Hyun Bin sighed. What a mess. "Did the media quote any specific events associated with me?"

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