Chapter 51: LA - Side Stories

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Author's Note: One story to show how I imagine they would support each other's career, given today's news :) The second one just for fun. I think it's time for them to disagree about something (lol, every couple will quarrel at some point in time, even them) I had a hard time thinking of what they could argue about and decided on a light hearted one. Have a good week ahead!

Story 1: Media reports on One Spring Night

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin left the Grand Canyon for Las Vegas after two days. They had returned to their room about thirty minutes ago after watching a Cirque Du Soleil showl. Ye-Jin was in the shower and Hyun Bin was watching the re-run of a baseball game when his phone beeped.

[Dong Wan] Hyung, are you still awake?

[Bin] Yes I am. We just came back. Are there more news?

[Dong Wan] Different type of news. I think you need to see this one. Naver reported that Nuna has been offered a drama, One Spring Night. It's together with Jang Hae In shi. I thought it was odd if Nuna is considering Park Ji Eun's script.

Hyun Bin frowned. Ye Jin did mention a drama offer with Jang Hae In when they were in Seoul but she said she would turn down the role. He searched for the Naver article Dong Wan mentioned and true enough, the article sounded positive on the casting.

[Bin] I'll talk to Ye-Jin. She did mention the offer a few weeks ago but it didn't sound like she would accept.

[Dong Wan] Also Hyung, Park Ji Eun's team contacted us yesterday. She wants to have a preliminary meeting to discuss the scenario. She is very keen to work with yourself and Ye-Jin Nuna.

[Bin] Good. I'll be back in Korea 25th January. Let's arrange to meet a week later if it works for her team. Did you also inform Manager Kim?

[Dong Wan] Not yet. Should I?

[Bin] Yes, let Manager Kim know Park Ji Eun-nim is interested. We should go through all the official channels. Thanks Dong Wan.

Ye-Jin emerged from the bathroom just then. She was toweling dry her hair and saw Hyun Bin frowning at his phone.

"Did something else happen, Tae-Pyung?" Ye-Jin asked worriedly.

Hyun Bin immediately relaxed his expression, mentally berating himself for worrying her. "No, no, its not what you think." He smiled, "But you need to help explain this article to me." He handed her his phone with the Naver report.

Ye-Jin took over the phone and frowned slightly as she read. "That's odd. I spoke with Director Ahn myself to tell him I won't be accepting the role. I'll ask Kim Oppa to speak with them again. Maybe there was a mix up in communications." Ye-Jin handed Hyun Bin back his phone. She continued to look at him though, with a somewhat contemplative and yet hesitant expression.

Hyun Bin was puzzled by her look and asked, "Is anything wrong?"

Ye-Jin shook her head and sat down on the sofa next to him. "Tae-Pyung, we've never really talked about our jobs and how it would impact our relationship. It struck me when we were discussing our next works and this drama that we really should agree on a baseline."

Hyun Bin looked at Ye-Jin and slowly nodded his head. She's right, they haven't really talked about this. They need to come to a common understanding on their expectations of their respective jobs. Its ironic but the fact that they were both actors was actually a red herring in their relationship.

Ye-Jin continued, "I'll go first since I've actually given it some thought."

Hyun Bin reached out to hold her hand and nodded for her to start.

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