Chapter 45: November and December 2018 (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: Thank you for all the votes and comments. I am reading all of them. I smile at the same things you guys pick up and I'm glad you're enjoying this 😊 As usual, with the work week starting, updates may be a little slower. Have a great week ahead! Spoiler: You can probably guess that Christmas is next and we'll probably move to LA after that.

Story 3: Seoul Awards & Hyun Bin in Singapore

Ye-Jin was at the beauty salon doing her hair and make-up. She's attending the Seoul Awards ceremony tonight. She had been nominated for Best Actress for Be With You and also for the Popular Award. Jang Hae In was also being nominated for the Popular Award. Ye-Jin just found out from Kim Oppa that they will be seated together. She hasn't seen Hae In in awhile and was happy they would have a chance to catch up.

At the same time, Hyun Bin was on his way to Singapore with Jang Dong Gun to promote for Rampant. He believed Ye-Jin has a good chance of winning tonight and was a little sorry he would not be there to congratulate her. He was glad she's getting the recognition for her work. He had told her to message him the first chance she gets.

At the Seoul Awards Ceremony

Ye-Jin and Jang Hae In had not seen each other for a long time and had plenty to catch up on. The cameras loved them and they were caught on camera multiple times, chatting animatedly, Hae In bending down to help Ye-Jin pick up her drink bottle and even one when Ye-Jin dropped her lipstick under the chair and Jang Hae In had to search under the chair. And all this while the award ceremony was on-going. Isn't it sweet? They had the whole country smiling about sweet romance.

Ye-Jin did end up winning both of her nominations. Somewhat ironically, her Best Actress Award was sidelined as the focus was on her Popularity Award. Why? Because Jang Hae In also won the Popularity Award and they were both on stage to receive it. When the host asked them to congratulate each other, Ye-Jin naturally reached out to give Jang Hae In a hug. The host commented that he only ask them to congratulate each other and not to hug each other, drawing laughter from the audience. It was all in good fun and Ye-Jin and Jang Hae In laughed along.

After the Awards Ceremony, Ye-Jin was seated in the car with Kim Oppa and messaging Hyun Bin

[Ye-Jin] I really won both nominations 🤗 I'm so happy!

[Bin] Congratulations! 🎉I was pretty sure you would win. Are you at the celebratory party?

[Ye-Jin] I stayed for a short while, just to say congratulations to the other winners. And I only had a glass of champagne! I'm with Kim Oppa on the way home.

[Bin] Lol, I didn't think you would get drunk.

[Ye-Jin] How about you? What are you doing now?

[Bin] I'm having supper with Dong Gun Hyung. The food here is really fantastic. You will really enjoy Singapore.

[Ye-Jin] Send me a photo of the food

[Bin] *photo* That's chilli crab and black pepper crab, cereal prawns, bamboo clams. All really good.

[Ye-Jin] I'm so envious. 🤤 Enjoy your supper and have a good rest okay. I miss you.

[Bin] I miss you too.

In Singapore

Hyun Bin smiled to himself as he put aside his phone.

Jang Dong Gun had been observing Hyun Bin for the last five minutes, starting from the time when Hyun Bin suddenly stood up to rearrange the plates on the table. Even stranger, he uncharacteristically did that to take a photo with his phone. He's knows that Hyun Bin loves photography, but in the over ten years they've known each other, Jang Dong Gun has never seen Hyun Bin take photos of food!

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