Chapter 99: CLOY Filming Concludes

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Author's Notes: Happy Weekend! We're finally at the end of the CLOY filming time period... CLOY is a special drama for me as well, lol, this is probably the first time I've re-watched a drama that many times😂 

Again, thanks for following this story through the last four months! Can't believe its 100 chapters next... although I haven't quite figure what to write about yet.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great weekend!

They were entering the final week of filming. It was unbelievable how quickly time had flown by. They were almost at the end of six months of hard work.

Not surprisingly, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had mixed feelings. As actors, every single one of their projects held a special place in their hearts. Crash Landing on You was a little different though. It would be the most special of projects for them.

They had wanted to work together again and this was their chosen project. Thanks to the openness of the production team, they had been able to introduce many elements of themselves into the drama. Ri Jeong-hyeok and Yoon Se-ri had become personal to Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin.

On a professional front, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were grateful for the opportunity. Both of them had grown so much the last six months - they had widened their technical repertoire and had also gained valuable insights, both on themselves and each other.

Their first movie, The Negotiation, while precious, had limited opportunities for them to showcase their chemistry. This was one of the reasons why they were both keen to work together again. The actors in them were curious and excited to find out what their chemistry could achieve if given the right platform. They wanted to be in the same space, make eye contact and breath the same air. They were not disappointed. Crash Landing on You gave them that platform. Their unique chemistry breathed life to their characters and endeared them to the audience.

While it was true that no drama could be successful due to a single factor, no one would disagree that Crash Landing in You could never achieve this level of success if Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were not Ri Jeong-hyeok and Yoon Se-ri.

That said, the drama gave them as much as it took from them. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin both have long and illustrious careers but Crash Landing on You would be a new high for both of them.

On a personal front, they have achieved so much during this period. They had been able to spend most of the last six months together and would forever treasure this period. This had also been a test for their relationship. Working together was a double edged sword and it could make or break a relationship. They had know the risk and consciously made the decision to go ahead. They wanted to test the limits of their relationship. After all, if they could not withstand the pressures, it would be better for them to find out sooner rather than later. Fortunately, They had passed with flying colors and this experience had given them confidence, knowing their relationship could withstand challenges.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin would miss filming. For the last six months, they had been living and breathing as Ri Jeong-hyeok and Yoon Se-ri and they would miss it. However, they were also excited to finally see the completed product and the audience's response. Would the audience love their drama as well?

They were both veterans in the industry and knew better than to focus solely on ratings. It was unfortunate but not all good dramas have good ratings. That said, they both secretly yearned for a set of spectacular results, because this project was so close to their hearts.

They didn't know yet but their drama would be successful beyond their wildest dreams and it would continue to climb to new heights even in the months after the drama ended.

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