Chapter 154: Seollal 2021

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Author's Note:

I hope you're all having a good week! This chapter is self-explanatory ... hee hee... my imagination of how they spent the lunar new year 😊

Alert: There is some adult content on the end of the first section "Ye-Jin's family, Daegu". I didn't plan to write this but the thought came to my head as I was writing and it refused to leave 😳🙈 Please read or skip at your own discretion.

Thank you all for reading, voting and leaving me your comments! 🥰 I'm a little behind reading the recent ones but I will after posting this chapter.

Have a great rest of week!

Ye-Jin's family, Daegu

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had planned to visit Ye-Jin's parents on the third day of Seollal. This was his first Seollal as an official member of the family and he wanted to do his part. Just as importantly, he hadn't seen his in-laws since the Christmas holidays and he wanted to make sure they were fine before he started filming for CA2.

Unfortunately, a week before Seollal, their plans were thrown into disarray. The CA2 production team apologetically informed VAST that filming had been brought forward a week due location permit issues. Filming was now scheduled to start on 16th February.

Based on their original plans, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin would have returned to Seoul on 15th February. Worried that Hyun Bin would be tired, Ye-Jin suggested cancelling their trip. Her parents would be traveling to Seoul next month and they could meet them then.

Hyun Bin was adamant about making the trip. Rest? How could that be a reason to cancel their trip! He had gone for days without proper sleep when filming - a trip to Daegu where he would be well-fed and fawned over was not going to tire him out.

Ye-Jin sighed in exasperation at Hyun Bin's nonsensical logic and pouting expression. He had really fooled the entire world. Everyone viewed him as a mature, straight laced and logical person. In reality, he could be a big baby and put forth the most outrageous reasonings when he wanted his way.

Eventually, they did what they do best - they compromised. They adjusted their schedule and visited her parents before Seollal.

At Daegu - Three days before Seollal

Ye-Jin laughed as she disembarked from the Navigator. She said, "I can't believe you really drove all the way in the hanbok! Isn't it uncomfortable? You know we could have changed when we arrived."

It would have been a lot more comfortable to drive in regular clothing but he wanted to greet his parents-in-law in formal attire. Hyun Bin smiled, "I'm alright. Are you okay?" To accommodate him, Ye-Jin had worn her hanbok the entire journey as well.

She reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze, "I didn't have to drive so I was definitely more comfortable than you!" All he wanted was to do his best for her parents and she was touched.

Kitty barked, "Arf, arf! Arf arf arf. Arf arf!" (Daddy, Mummy! Let's go in. It's freezing!)

Mr and Mrs Son were already waiting by the door. They saw the matching hanboks and their reactions couldn't be more different.

Mrs Son laughed with delight, "You all look adorable! All you're missing is Baby Kim! It'll be perfect then!"

Ye-Jin protested, "Omma!"

Mr Son shook his head and blinked, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. He mumbled, "I hope Kitty stayed in the car the entire time." In his view, matching hanboks with another person was already tacky. He couldn't believe they would match hanboks with a dog. He was embarrassed on their behalf.

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