Chapter 170: Summer of 2021 (Part 2) - Jeju Vacation

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Author's Note: Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! First, big thank you for waiting so patiently for the chapter! 😘🙏 Apologies it took so long... real life has been exhausting and I just didn't have the energy to concentrate on writing. Also didn't help that I changed the content half way through. Just want to say that I do plan to finish the story but it may be a little slow, so do bear with me! ❤️

There will be a couple more chapters on the summer of 2021 (I realized we had quite a lot of news from them during this period) before I move into 39 filming. Hahahah... honestly with all the wedding news, honeymoon news, the events I'm writing on feels like it happened a life-time ago! 🤣🤣🤣 I hope everyone has the patience to still follow it! Thank you for waiting, reading, liking and commenting! Have a great week ahead! ❤️❤️❤️

Flashback to late June - at a cafe near their home

Hyun Bin handed Ye-Jin her iced Americano and took the seat across from her. They had stopped by their usual cafe after grocery shopping and were discussing where they could go during their upcoming break.

"The US and most European countries have opened up," Ye-Jin said. Some of their friends had recently returned from holidays and their travels had been largely fuss-free.

Hyun Bin's brows furrowed. He knew how much Ye-Jin missed travelling overseas. More important than the novelty of visiting a new place, being overseas gave her freedom and anonymity. He wanted to say yes but he was still worried about covid. Many western countries have transited to living with covid and the current strains did seen to be less severe. Still, there was insufficient data and he didn't want to take any risk with Ye-Jin.

Ye-Jin saw the myriad of expressions across his face. She understood. She placed her hand on his and said simply, "Let's travel around Korea."

Hyun Bin looked at her with surprise. Didn't she want to travel overseas?

Her signature eye-smile appeared as she explained, "As much as I want to travel overseas, it's logical to stay in Korea. We have a lot to plan for the wedding and Thirty-Nine's filming will start at the end of summer. Rather than rush to do everything so we can travel, we'll be better off taking short and relaxing trips at home."

Warmth spread through Hyun Bin. If it had been just herself, he knew Ye-Jin would have chosen to travel overseas. She was compromising, and even finding logical reasons for him, because she understood his worry.

Ye-Jin immediately focused on where they could go. She mused aloud, "We could visit Busan... the beaches are great and there's lots of delicious food. Or how about Jeonju? Mi-Jung went recently and said the scenery was gorgeous. Ohhh.... or how about a national park? It'll be nice to be in nature!"

Hyun Bin smiled as Ye-Jin became increasingly excited. This was one of the many reasons why he loved her. It would be understandable for her to be a little sulky about not going overseas. Not Ye-Jin though, she didn't play games. Once she agreed, it was also her decision.

He nodded agreeably. Honestly, he didn't mind where they went, as long as they were together. He reached out for the coffee and his hand brushed against his phone, lighting up the screen. It was a picture of the two of them, when they were at the beach in Jeju a few months ago. (A/N: Chapter 163)

In the photo, his right arm was looped around her shoulder while both her arms were wrapped around his waist. Her eyes were bright and smiling, his dimples deep and charming. That day was special. They had decided to get married; it was the beginning of their next phase.

They exchanged smiles and said simultaneously, "Let's go to Jeju."

She let out a peal of laughter while he chuckled. Their uncanny ability to read each other's mind was as strong as ever. It was so natural that, most of the time, they didn't even notice it. On occasions like this though, they are reminded of how blessed they were. They were grateful they found each other - their best friend, family and love. Their destiny.

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