Chapter 25: Side Stories

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Author's Note:  I'm also excited about pulling together the Europe trip 😊 but before that, wanted to do this light-hearted chapter bringing back jealous Bin and also touch a bit on Ye-Jin's close circle of actress friends. Hope you enjoy it! Europe will be next!

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had two weeks together before he left for Granada. He was busy with script reading and preparations for the new drama but he made time to meet Ye-Jin whenever he could. They caught a mid-night movie after his fitting session, they met for a walk along the Han river in the wee hours of the morning after he finished meeting with the director, they had a late-night snack at a quiet part of town after he finished taking promotional pictures.

Hyun Bin made do with very little sleep during this period and he thanked his days with the Marines for training him up. He's a professional and will not compromise his performance but at the same time, he wanted to spend as much time with Ye-Jin before he left for Europe. When Hyun Bin finally left for Granada, for the first time in his life, he left for work with a tinge of regret.

In contrast, Ye-Jin adapted more easily with the separation. In her view, this was part of their job. It wasn't that she wouldn't miss seeing him regularly but it was not something within her control and it was her nature to make the best of things.

Side Story 1: Ye-Jin on Something in the Rain Reward Trip

Due to the positive ratings, Director Ahn arranged for a three day reward trip to Japan for the cast and crew. Ye-Jin was thrilled when she heard. She got along really well with the team and they were a fun bunch. She knew it would be a blast.

The trip was confirmed only after Hyun Bin left so Ye-Jin dutifully messaged him.

[Ye-Jin] Good morning Bin! Are you awake yet? It should be 8am now?

[Bin] Yes, I'm awake. How nice to see your message first thing in the morning.

[Ye-Jin] Has your filming been smooth so far?

[Bin] It has, but the schedule is really packed. I ended only at 2am yesterday. Call time's at 10am today.

[Ye-Jin] You should get a little more sleep, you can probably sneak in another half hour.

[Bin] It's alright. I would rather talk to you.

[Ye-Jin] I feel bad telling you this when you're so busy.

Hyun Bin tensed up. She feels bad about what? He had been away only for three days, what could have changed?

[Ye-Jin] Something in the Rain team is going on a reward trip to Japan, from 29th May to 31st May. I feel bad talking with you about having fun while you're working so hard.

Trip to Japan? She's going on a holiday with Jang Hae In?

[Bin] Don't be, you've earned it. Is everyone going?

[Ye-Jin] Yes, we've been talking about it for a while but Director Ahn just confirmed yesterday that it's happening. We're all so excited about it. It's a very fun group so it will be a great trip.

Hyun Bin was glad Ye-Jin couldn't see his face now. He was in a full-blown pouting mood. He was happy she'll have fun on her trip. He just didn't like the idea that she'll be having fun with Jang Hae In. He hated that he had to lie to her, but at this stage of their relationship, it's better to say the politically correct thing. Hyun Bin is an honest man, but he's also a smart man. People sometimes need to compromise to survive.

[Bin] Sounds like a fun trip. I'm glad you'll be enjoying yourself. You'll send me pictures and updates when you're there right? I'll also be happy when I see you happy. (And I want to monitor what you guys are doing)

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