Chapter 89: CLOY Filming Continues (Part 8)

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Author's Notes: As mentioned, the next couple of chapters will be around CLOY filming. Ye-Jin's fainting episode will probably be coming up next 😉 I just haven't figured out how exactly to frame it.

Meanwhile, just want to say thank you to everyone who has been following this story for over 3 months now! And also for newer readers if you're just starting to read this - I hope you are having a good time reading this. Thank you for your votes and comments and making this a fun experience for me. I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good weekend!

Scene 1: Talk over Soju (Episode 12)

Today's scene would tug on heartstrings. Knowing that their time together was limited, the usually reticent and imperturbable Ri Jeong-hyeok would share his deepest dreams with Se-ri. Hyun Bin, Ye-Jin and Director Lee had discussed extensively and agreed their aim was to evoke an array of somewhat conflicting emotions from the audience. It was meant to be a warm, touching yet heartbreaking exchange.

Jeong-hyeok's dreams were beautiful, so simple and yet so impossible. The audience would smile as he shared images of that dream but their hearts would ache because they knew, as well as him, that it was unattainable. The selflessness and maturity displayed by Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri in the face of their realities would further touch the audience.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were already in position, waiting for the shoot to start. The mood was a little solemn as they had been mentally preparing themselves for the emotions required for the scene. The tension on the set was palpable and Ye-Jin realized they were likely too tensed for what they wanted to portray. As they waited, Ye-Jin tried to lessen the tension by asking Hyun Bin to practice the hand actions which they would use when they seal their deal in the scene. As she playfully clapped on Hyun Bin's hands, his eyes widened, surprised by the strength she used. Her tactic worked though and Hyun Bin visibly relaxed. He started to tease Ye-Jin by pretending to control her actions when she filled up their soju glasses with water.

By the time Director Lee was ready to call action, the mood was more relaxed and suited for the scene. They were ready.

The original script did not require for Se-ri to shed tears. As they went through the first take, Ye-Jin was so caught up in Jeong-hyeok's confession that tears rolled down her cheeks. Director Lee called cut because of the unexpected tears.

Laughing now, slightly embarrassed, Ye-Jin carefully dapped at the corner of her eyes with a tissue and explained, "My goodness, it made me tear up."

Hyun Bin was surprised by her tears and smiled as he teased her, "All of a sudden?"

Ye-Jin avoided his eyes as she checked on her make-up but she replied, "Goodness, it's so sad."

And it was sad. Jeong-hyeok's dreams of marrying Se-ri, having twins, playing the piano were beautiful. The simplicity and beauty made  the fact that it was impossible even more tragic.

Most viewers don't realize this. For the audience watching the final product, it felt easy and natural to feel the emotions - they were watching a polished product which had been specifically put together to convey the storyline and evoke specific emotions. For the actor portraying the role, the emotional flow of the story was ironically less natural and intuitive. Actors only had a script, essentially pages full of words with no visual aids to help them. Also, the scripts were cut into individual scenes and it was sometimes hard to link everything together. That was why actors, directors and script-writers have to extensively discuss the intention of the scene before every take. To a certain extend, the emotions portrayed during filming could be viewed as calculated and were frequently created and drawn from an actor's technical skills.

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