Chapter 117: The Run-Up to Baeksang (Part 1)

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Author's Notes:

Happy Monday All! 😊 I was on vacation today and had a nice and relaxing day finishing the chapter. Just some context, the high level backdrops mentioned in this chapter did happen in real life (and some readers have kindly provided me with background on some of the rumors so thank you very much!) but as usual, the details and interpretation are purely fictional.

As mentioned, we're entering the Baeksang period... there'll probably be another chapter before the actual event itself. I hope you enjoy the chapter and have a good week ahead! Thanks for all your comments and votes. All feedback and and ideas are welcomed!

Ye-Jin's support for COVID frontline workers

South Korea has finally turned the tide on the fight against COVID. The number of cases were finally under control and people were relieved and thankful that things were finally starting to look up. A social media challenge was started to thank the frontline workers.

On 7th May, Song Yoona, one of Ye-Jin's Cinderella sisters, tagged Ye-Jin's IG to accept the challenge.

Ye-Jin smiled when she saw Song Yoona's tag. She was more than happy to join the challenge. She was sincerely thankful to all the frontline workers. Regardless of their roles, all of them contributed to today's success and she was sure they had made many personal sacrifices during this period.

Ye-Jin immediately looked around her apartment. She wanted to find a pretty background to take a picture of her with the thank you hand sign.

Her first thought was to use the courtyard as background. That should be nice. Ye-Jin balanced her phone on the top of the sofa and tested the angle. She frowned. She had forgotten about it. The courtyard was not going to work. What was 'it'? The clothes-line.

Flashback to Yesterday

Dong Wan showed up, out of the blue, at Ye-Jin's door in the afternoon. He rushed into the house the moment she opened the door. He didn't even have time to greet her because he was struggling with a few wooden poles and thick ropes. He dropped his load just next to the courtyard and heaved a sigh of relief.

Ye-Jin was caught by surprise and threw Dong Wan a puzzled look. What was Dong Wan planning to do?

Dong Wan heard her silent question. He raised his arms in comical surrender. "Don't ask me Nuna, I have no clue what these are for. Hyung ordered them himself and told me to pick them up from the DIY shop. I'm supposed to deliver to your... sorry, I mean his house and place them here."

Ye-Jin stared at the wooden poles and ropes and she burst out laughing. It looked like Hyun Bin had taken her remark seriously.

With Hyun Bin out filming most of the time, Ye-Jin had started to pay more attention to her plants and garden. Two days ago, she spent most of her morning out in the courtyard planting a couple of rose bushes. She had forgotten how lovely it was to bask under the pre-summer sun and thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Hyun Bin smiled when he saw Ye-Jin that evening. She was pinkish from being under the sun and glowing with delight at her new rose bushes. During dinner, Ye-Jin shared her day and made a casual remark to Hyun Bin about how summer was approaching and how nice it would be to have sun-kissed laundry. The scent of the summer sun was definitely more refreshing than the hot air of the dryer.

It had been an off-the-cuff remark and she did not mean anything by it. Her heart warmed as she realized how seriously Hyun Bin took all her remarks. Despite his intense filming schedule, it looks like he's planning to set up a clothes line for her in the courtyard.

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