Chapter 32: The Negotiation Press Conference

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Today was the official press conference for their movie, The Negotiation. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had a very busy day ahead of them. They have the press conference, two interviews and finally a photoshoot with Vogue.

They both had mixed feelings. On one hand, they were excited because they will finally be promoting a movie they had worked very hard on. This movie also had an extra special place in their hearts since it brought them together. On the other hand, they were also nervous as it was their first public event since getting together. They were mindful they needed to be careful with their interactions and emotions.

The agreed plan was for them to meet up at the salon to get their hair and make-up done. Given they had the same schedule today, their companies had decided it was easier to travel together and they would be using the VAST car. Their wardrobe had been pre-coordinated and they were in matching navy-blue suits. Ye-Jin was dressed in a professional yet feminine suit with gold buttons, in line with role as a police officer in the movie. Hyun Bin was smartly dressed in a suit and shirt with matching trimmings.

They were waiting in the car for the make-up artists and Dong Wan, before departing for the press conference.

"Bin-shi," Ye-Jin started.

"Bin-shi?" Hyun Bin asked and looked around the car. Manager Kim was the only other person in the car.

"For today, let's just tune our minds back to before we started dating. We have too many interviews today. It'll be easy to slip up if we keep going back and forth between our professional and personal identities." Ye-Jin said.

Hyun Bin thought for a moment and nodded his head. "That makes sense, Ye-Jin shi," he grinned cheekily. "Don't worry too much, we're both experienced with interviews, it'll be fine."

Official Press Conference for The Negotiation

There was a large crowd of reporters and fans already at the site when they arrived. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin greeted Park Kyung Lim, who was their emcee for the press conference.

"Onni," Ye-Jin greeted Park Kyung Lim with a hug. "It's so good to see you!" Ye-Jin has known Park Kyung Lim since she was a newbie in the industry and she was an onni that Ye-Jin really liked and respected.

"Ye-Jin! You're looking even more beautiful than usual! You're glowing! Is it because you have a handsome man standing next to you?" Park Kyung Lim teased.

"Onni!" Ye-Jin protested.

"The two of you look beautiful together! I mean it." Park Kyung Lim praised. Ye-Jin blushed slightly and Park Kyung Lim's sharp eyes picked up on it. Was there really something going on between them? she thought to herself. Ye-Jin is a veteran in the industry, there's no way she would blush if there's nothing going on with her handsome co-star.

"Good to see you, Hyun Bin," Park Kyung Lim said and they exchanged handshakes.

"Hello Nuna, please go easy on us today," Hyun Bin smiled.

"I'm always easy on you guys! But we have to make it interesting and fun for the audience too, right?" Park Kyung Lim gave them a slight wink. "Quick walk through the runbook. They will play the movie trailer first. We're planning to do the opening via camera with you guys backstage, so we have the LAN-style feeling of the movie. The two of you will then enter the stage and I'll start the introductions. Its question and answer style. You've reviewed the questions?"

"Yes, onni, we're good," Ye-Jin nodded.

"Okay, we'll start in five minutes, I'll see you guys on stage." Park Kyung Lim left.

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