Chapter 131: Ye-Jin's SMART CF and The Pillow Fiasco

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Author's Note:

To everyone who celebrates the Lunar New Year - Happy Lunar New Year! 🎉🎊 May the year of the Ox be a fruitful and smooth year!

I had so much food the last couple of days I'm experiencing food-coma. Lol, it's been hard to concentrate on writing because I'm so sleepy from eating too much! 😂😅

It looks like we're getting the SMART joint CF in less than 2 days! Really looking forward to it! ❤️ The first part of this chapter is in relation to SMART, my spin on how this endorsement has evolved like their relationship (from a public perspective). The second half is a light hearted one... welcome back Dong Wan!

I also want to thank @Artiejjie for her kind help to proofread the second half of the chapter! You'll find it an easier read because of that! 😊🥰

I think everyone can guess what's coming up next... it's kinda at odds with the happy mood of the joint CF but that's what happens next.

Until then, I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for all your well wishes, comments and ❤️! Have a great weekend!


On 16th July, three days after Hyun Bin's departure, Ye-Jin went back to work. She was exhilarated and for good reasons.

One, the last three days had led Ye-Jin to one conclusion - for the next two months, work was going to be her best friend.

Ye-Jin had come to terms with Hyun Bin's departure but it didn't mean that she missed him any lesser. If anything, the past three days made her realize just how large a gap Hyun Bin's absence left in her life.

It hadn't helped that Hyun Bin had limited time to spend on video chats with her. The production team was making use of their quarantine time to sync up on filming details and Hyun Bin spent most of his day engaged in virtual discussions with the team. Coupled with their time zone differences, they could usually manage only an hour on the phone. Ye-Jin fully understood but it didn't help reduce her longing for him.

She tried to keep busy. She met with friends, tended to her rose bushes and both her mother and mother-in-law called at least twice a day to chit-chat. Despite all these activities, the hollowness was still there. Ye-Jin knew then that she was going to need more to fill the hole Hyun Bin left. Work was her best bet.

Two, this particular project was special. The SMART CF was their joint endorsement.

Just two months ago, it was inconceivable that they could do a joint CF. Couple projects were generally frowned upon in Korea and the backlash when they eventually announced their relationship would be unimaginable. For this reason, despite receiving very lucrative joint offers after Crash Landing on You, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had avoided any kind of commercial association with each other.

The fact that SMART was an overseas company had opened up what was previously considered impossible. This was a big step and they were taking a leap of faith. Ye-Jin could feel it in her heart. This particular endorsement was going to be a game-changer for them. She was excited to see what it would bring.

The Security Team

Ye-Jin arrived at the filming site and was introduced to her security team for the night. She smiled when she saw the three familiar faces and greeted them warmly. The three man were part of the security team when Hyun Bin and herself were promoting The Negotiation. They had travelled all over Korea then. Ye-Jin missed Hyun Bin so much and it warmed her heart to see people who were part of their shared memories.

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