Chapter 95: Dong Wan's Chapter

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Author's Note: Happy Wednesday! We're at the mid-week mark! 😊 Hope everyone had a good week so far.

I've been meaning to do a chapter just for Dong Wan for quite some time. I realized Dong Wan has gathered quite a few fans so thank you for liking this character! 🥰

Again, thank you for all your votes and comments. I realize we're 5 chapters away from 100... I have no idea at this stage how I'm going to end this story, so I plan to keep going as long as there's content to write on. A big big thank you to all of you for reading all this time. Lol, my writing skills are mediocre at best so thank you for tolerating all the linguistic mistakes! This has come a lot further than I expected and its all thanks to the readers 💕

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy Dong Wan's little chapter!

Dong Wan & Hyun Bin's Beginning

Dong Wan had worked with Hyun Bin for the last eight years and had grown to love him like a real brother. Ironically, they didn't get along when they first started working together - which was strange. Hyun Bin was well known in the industry to be polite and proper. It was almost impossible to dislike him. Dong Wan was a competent manager, easy going and friendly. As a manager, it was important that he had good interpersonal skills. One would expect the two of them to get along well.

But they didn't. Hyun Bin found Dong Wan to be rude and annoying and Dong Wan found Hyun Bin to be long-winded and pretentious. Why? It actually started with one single incident involving a starlet.

Flashback to Event 8 years ago

Hyun Bin was attending an event today and his newly assigned manager Im Dong Wan was accompanying him. There were a few other celebrities in attendance, among them a young and pretty starlet, who was very obviously trying to get close to Hyun Bin.

Part of Dong Wan's job was to look after his artist's welfare. Dong Wan first noticed the starlet following Hyun Bin around. She soon made her next move and started to get physical, placing her hands on Hyun Bin's arms as she laughed with him. Dong Wan shook his head, how can an experienced celebrity be so ignorant of potential risks. The last thing Hyun Bin needed was a scandal with a fresh face.

Dong Wan immediately moved in to extract Hyun Bin from the starlet's grasp. He tapped Hyun Bin on the arm and explained that there was an urgent call for him to return. Hyun Bin frowned, why would there suddenly be an urgent call to his manager. He had been in the middle of sharing a funny story with the junior actress and wanted to finish his story. Dong Wan was insistent and Hyun Bin left after apologizing. Hyun Bin missed the pout on the starlet's face as he turned to leave.

Hyun Bin followed Dong Wan to an empty room, expecting to take the supposedly urgent call. To Hyun Bin's surprise and annoyance, Dong Wan shrugged his shoulders and said, "There's no call. I used that as an excuse to separate that starlet from you. It wouldn't be good if the media took photos of the two of you flirting."

Hyun Bin went from being shocked to livid. He turned red in the face as he choked out the words, "Flirting? I was just sharing some of my experiences with a junior actress. When did you see me flirt!"

Dong Wan rolled his eyes, which further fanned Hyun Bin's anger, "Anyone could tell the two of you were flirting. You're smiling at each other and she has her hands on your arms. What else do you call that?"

Hyun Bin was going to lecture Dong Wan and set him straight. He was only trying to be nice because he knew how hard it was to be new in this industry. However, before he could even open his mouth, Dong Wan continued, "Anyway, my job is to keep you out of trouble and that's what I'm doing. I'll go out first, you can follow after five minutes. That's enough time to make a call." With that, Dong Wan sailed out of the room, leaving behind a furious and flabbergasted Hyun Bin.

Our Story - BinjinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora