Chapter 160: Love Is... (Part 1)

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Author's Note:

Hello! It's been such a long time since I last updated... I hope everyone is well and thank you all so much for your patience and also concern. 🥰😘 I've been good, but there's a lot happening on the work front and I've not had the energy to do more than stone in front of the tv at the end of day. It's cyclical with my work so I'm actually used to it, but writing has had to take a backseat. Updates will probably be little more erratic the next month so apologies to everyone reading!

This chapter will be the first of two chapters of short stories on their love and every day life. (It's based off readers' suggestions so thank you!) lol, hopefully it's not too mundane.  😂😅 Ah, and Mina makes a little comeback here (lol, just from a timeline perspective, this is before her name change - I never thought I would say this but I'm actually used to Kitty now and it feels a little strange calling her Mina 🤣😉)

Again, apologies for the late update and thank you again for all your votes/comments and concerns. I'm behind in responding but will definitely will catch up on it! I hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great weekend!

Ye-Jin was lying in bed, flipping through a magazine when a headline caught her attention. 'What is your love?' It was one of those nonsensical but entertaining quizzes published by the magazine to attract readers.

Amused, she started answering the questions. It had been a long time since she took one of these tests. What would it say her love was?

Question 1: Do you have a lover now?

She looked at the man lying beside her, his brows furrowed as he read the script, mumbling to himself as he tested out different ways to say the lines. Yes, she had a gorgeous and hardworking lover.

Answer 1: Yes (2 points)

Question 2: In your relationship, do you give, take or receive more?

Ye-Jin's gaze softened. The past month had been a trial of sorts for them. Between CA2 and his CF commitments, Hyun Bin was working practically every day. What little "free" time he had was spent studying his script and catching up on management responsibilities at Vast. He simply didn't have enough hours a day for them as well. She did miss him but she understood. During this period, his work commitments came first. She needed to take a backseat, just for a while.

He didn't let her. He had promised to always put her first (A/N: Chapter 133) and he kept his promise. He quietly made changes. Like today, instead of working on his script in the study, he was in the bedroom so he could be with her. He started video-calling her during meal breaks so he could listen to her talk about her day. He went out of his way to buy her favorite foods so she could enjoy her meals even without him. He left little handwritten notes all over the house so she could feel his presence.

This question was a no brainer, she received so much. A warm and fuzzy cloud of happiness encompassed her. She was blessed. In a relationship, she controlled how much she could give and take. However, she had no control over what she could receive. Her lover had given her everything. What else could she ask for?

Answer 2: Receive (3 points)

Question 3: Are you afraid of your love?

Ye-Jin was impressed. This quiz was turning out to be quite profound. She has always been her own woman and took pride in her independence. Yet, this man beside her somehow became the most precious person in her life. They had started out as colleagues and became friends, lovers, family and now soulmates. The entire process had been gradual and she didn't even realize when they transited from one phase to the next. It should have been scary to let someone become the center of your world, but she wasn't at all afraid. Why? Even before he took over her heart, he gave her his. If anything, she was stronger, because she had him.

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