Chapter 100: Baby Hyun Bin

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Author's Note: Happy Monday! Its really chapter 100! 🎉 Just want to say a BIG thank you to everyone who has followed the story. Its really encouraging to see familiar names from Day 1 when I started this and also newer names. Like I've mentioned before, I started this for fun, only as an outlet for my imagination. I never imagined it would last for so long, and it only did because of all the readers. It makes it so much more fun to know that others are enjoying it as well. 🧡

Its a light-hearted chapter for 100 😊 I hope you enjoy baby Binnie... Jealous Binnie will be tackled another time. lol, figured it was too much hit to the character to be babyish and jealous all in one chapter. Have a great week ahead!

Hyun Bin's cold had gotten worse. He was running a temperature, coughing and having the chills. He actually couldn't remember the last time he felt so terrible. He was in the car with Dong Wan, on the way back to his apartment after the last day of filming.

Dong Wan pulled up at the drop off point. He turned and smiled sympathetically at his Hyung, "Have a good rest, Hyung. At least you don't have to worry about filming tomorrow. See a doctor if you're still not better. Nuna should already be on her way."

Hyun Bin nodded. His head was starting to throb and he really just needed to go back home. "Don't worry Dong Wan, I'm fine. Its just a cold. I'll be better after a few days of rest. You head on home and rest well. You've worked hard too. I'll see you in a few days."

Dong Wan looked on worriedly as Hyun Bin walked into the lobby. His Hyung was rarely sick but when he was, he was one of those annoying people who never admitted that they were sick. Hyun Bin had a 'man's man' attitude when it came to being sick, he would never say he's not okay.

Dong Wan remembered the last fiasco three years ago. It was in winter and they had just finished an event. Hyun Bin had been down with a bad cold and had looked pale and shaky. Dong Wan had suggested they visit a doctor before sending Hyun Bin home. As expected, Hyung insisted he was fine and shooed Dong Wan home when he volunteered to stay over for the night.

The concerned Dong Wan had tried to reach Hyun Bin the next morning. He couldn't get a response and after an hour, decided to drop by Hyun Bin's house. To Dong Wan's shock, Hyun Bin was burning with fever and almost semi-conscious. He had called for a doctor immediately and Hyung stabilized only after the doctor administered a couple of injections and drips. Dong Wan had scolded Hyung for being stubborn and creating unnecessary drama. If he had gone to the doctor's yesterday,  they would have avoided all this. Hyung had infuriatingly just changed the topic and ignored him.

Dong Wan sighed, Hyung looked just as bad today. Hopefully he will listen to Nuna. He'll check in with Nuna tomorrow morning.

At Hyun Bin's Apartment

Hyun Bin walked through the main door, switched to his home slippers and sank down onto the sofa. He leaned back and closed his eyes, relieved to finally home. He's just going to rest his eyes for ten minutes. He shuddered slightly as chills coursed through his body. He knew he should go to the bedroom but he was just too tired to move. "Another five minutes," Hyun Bin murmured to himself, "then I'll go in."

Half an hour later, Ye-Jin came through the main door. She walked into the living area and immediately saw Hyun Bin resting on the sofa. She frowned. The living room was not cold but it was not particularly warm either, and he didn't turn on the heater. Why was he sitting there?

Ye-Jin sat down next to Hyun Bin and shook his arm gently, "Tae-Pyung, let's go in." She frowned once she came into contact with his arms. They felt unusually warm. Ye-Jin brought the back of her hand to Hyun Bin's forehead and her eyes widened. "You're burning up!" she exclaimed. Hyun Bin responded with a soft moan, eyes still closed.

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