Chapter 147: 1st January 2021

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Hello! I hope everyone is having a good weekend 😊

And we're finally at 1st January 💕🥰 lol, this date is probably The Day for all of us. I still remember waking up after it had been announced and wondering if I read it right! I was so happy! Best start to the year after a dismal 2020.

I've mentioned this before but this is also the fairy tale ending I've hoped for since I started this story - so this chapter is a little extra special to me. 😊 Looking back, I didn't know when I started that I would really reach here a year later. (lol, i just checked and my first chapter was posted 20th May 2020). I've had so much fun writing this and want to thank all of you for joining me on this journey! I'm very sure I would not have gotten this far if not for all your support and encouragement!

Thanks also to @Artiejjie for helping to edit this!

lol, we're going to start post 1 Jan after this! 1 Jan is such a significant date that I keep thinking that something will be different from the next chapter onwards... lol but I actually have no clue what will be different 😂 so we'll see!

So... here's the 1st Jan chapter and I hope you all enjoy it! Have a great weekend! And for all the moms, Happy Mother's Day!

Just a note that I'll probably take a week off writing so the next update will likely be in ten days or so! ❤😁

New Year Dinner with Hyun Bin's Parents

Ye-Jin tasted the seolleongtang (beef bone soup) with furrowed brows and added a dash of sea-salt. She gave the soup a good stir and tasted again. It was good, almost up to her mother-in-law's standard. Her father-in-law loved seolleongtang and she hoped he could enjoy it tonight.

It had been snowing heavily the entire day. Concerned that road conditions would be poor, Hyun Bin had driven over to pick his parents up from their home. It had been an hour since he left and they should be arriving soon. She should get the food ready.

One by one, Ye-Jin brought out the dishes she had lovingly prepared. There was chap-chae, a tasty opening dish. Stir-fried eggplant, one of Hyun Bin's favorite dish. Samgyeopsal-gui, a crowd favorite and haemul pajeon (seafood pancake), made extra crispy just the way her mother-in-law liked it.

As she placed the final dish, seolleongtang, on the dining table, she heard Mina bark excitedly. They must be here. Ye-Jin quickly took off her apron and went to welcome them. The main door opened and her mother-in-law entered.

"Omeonim!" Ye-Jin gave Mrs Kim a tight hug. "You're glowing! The weather in Jeju must be so nice." Her parents-in-law had just returned from a week-long vacation in Jeju with her brother-in-law's family.

Mrs Kim laughed, "Jeju was great. I forgot how cold it was in Seoul and nearly froze to death when I stepped off the plane." She looked carefully at Ye-Jin and said, "You look like you've lost weight, Eon-Jin." She turned to glare at Hyun Bin, "She looks tired too. Have you been making her do all the moving?"

Hyun Bin gave his mother an exasperated look. Did she really think he would do that?

Ye-Jin laughed and commented, "Omeonim, I didn't lose any weight. In fact, my stylist told me I need to lose a couple of kilos to fit into the dresses for my upcoming CFs."

Mr Kim shook his head as mother and son looked suspiciously at each other. "I think you look fine, Eon-Jin," he declared and gave Ye-Jin a hug.

Mina pranced excitedly at their feet, anxious to greet her grandparents. They were the ones who gave her the yummy treat! She'd been dreaming about it for weeks!

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