Chapter 83: Christmas 2019 - The Proposal

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Author's Note: Finally it happens! I hope you enjoy the chapter. I've thought for awhile how the proposal would be like and decided they would have a simple but sincere and touching one 🥰 I hope it lived up to expectations!

Just a footnote, lol, if you search for the a live performance by the singer in YouTube, you'll have a better picture of the dance. I pictured our dear Hyun Bin doing it and it felt right 😅 I first heard of the song on a fan video for BinJin on YouTube by edelweiss98 and liked it. When I saw the dance in the live performance, it clicked for me.

Have a good week ahead everyone!

It was finally Christmas!

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin has filmed until 1am last night, technically into Christmas day itself and they were so tired, they just wanted to sleep. Dong Wan had dropped them off at Hyun Bin's apartment where they literally showered, flopped onto the bed and immediately slept. That was how exhausted they were.

It was slightly past noon now but the room was still in pitch black darkness thanks to the blackout curtains. There was silence and the only light source was from the digital clock beside the bed.

Hyun Bin had woken up about half an hour ago and was now laying on his side, quietly looking at the still asleep Ye-Jin. She was also sleeping on her side, facing him. Her mouth was slightly open and she was drooling. He smiled to himself. She was beautiful, his Eon-Jin. Her feet must have gotten cold during the night, she had burrowed them under his legs and they were now resting comfortably against his calves. He imagined waking up to this sight every morning for the rest of his life and his smile widened. He couldn't think of anything else he wanted more.

Just then, Ye-Jin started to stir. She shivered a little from the chilly winter air and started to naturally gravitate towards him, unconsciously seeking his warmth. Her hands came into contact with his chest and she let out a small sigh. She then wriggled her body towards him.

Hyun Bin grinned to himself as he observed her actions. He decided to help her and wrapped his arms around her. Ye-Jin instantly felt his warmth envelope her and she let out a small moan. The heat radiating from him was so comfortable. Her lips curled upwards as she made herself comfortable and rested her head on his arm. She felt his lips on her forehead and as he whispered in his deep baritone, "Good afternoon."

Awake now, Ye-Jin slipped her arms around him and whispered, "Good afternoon. Hmm... you're like a walking heater, I love waking up next to you." She rubbed her cheek against his chest, affectionately showing her appreciation.

Hyun Bin hands had started to wander between her legs in anticipation of some adult fun when Ye-Jin suddenly sat up and exclaimed, "Its afternoon already? I need to prepare for tonight!" She gave Hyun Bin an apologetic kiss on the cheek and jumped out of bed, anxious that she was already behind schedule. Hyun Bin groaned loudly, he was in full blown regret mode, he should have said good morning instead.

Christmas Afternoon

Ye-Jin spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen preparing for tonight's dinner. She seasoned the steak, prepared the potatoes and vegetables, made a simple salad and baked a small cake.

Hyun Bin sat at the counter and observed her. He had volunteered to help but she had smiled and told him all he had to do for today was eat. It was actually a good thing she was preoccupied with dinner. Hyun Bin made use of the opportunity to do some last minute preparation for his 'event' tonight. Ye-Jin didn't even notice that he was gone.

They also put up the Christmas tree Ye-Jin got last year. Hyun Bin was not into decorating trees and told her he would just follow her instructions. He genuinely had no opinion on how the tree should look. Ye-Jin laughed at how he said it so seriously. It was no wonder he didn't see the fun in Christmas trees. That said, Ye-Jin was amazed at how easily they set up the tree this year with Hyun Bin around. He easily maneuvered the various parts and set up the tree in ten minutes. He was also tall enough to reach the top of the tree and all Ye-Jin had to do was to give him instructions on where to hang what. They completed in less than a third of the time it took her last year. Ye-Jin complimented him on how handy he was and he beamed with pride. He would do anything for her, even decorate a Christmas tree.

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