Chapter 129: The Departure

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Author's Note:

The last chapter before we officially enter the LDR period. This chapter rounds up with a little adult activity (lol, it was a little awkward writing this at first, but it got better after awhile), the actual airport departure and a little fun side story on Under Amour.

lol, just want to caveat, I have nothing against what HB wore that day... I myself have boarded flights in slippers and leggings (I have to be honest have not wore shorts myself 🤣😅) so i do agree that comfort is the top priority when flying. This is just a bit of fun since he's usually quite well dressed.

Again, thanks for all your , comments and messages. I really appreciate how you guys have reached out to let me know how much you enjoy reading, so thank you again! 🥰🥰

Have a great rest of week!

Alert: There is adult content in the first one third of the chapter. Please read or skip at your discretion.

Ye-Jin was sitting at her dresser, absentmindedly blowing dry her damp hair. This was her usual routine but it felt different today. In truth, everything felt different today. She knew it was because Hyun Bin would be gone tomorrow. She couldn't imagine how tomorrow would feel.

Just then, the hair-dryer was taken from her hand. She looked up and smiled when she saw Hyun Bin. He had showered earlier and was already in his usual shorts and T-shirt.

Hyun Bin returned Ye-Jin's smile as he gently ran his hand through her damp hair. He sat down behind her, made himself comfortable and continued drying her hair.

Except for the soft whirling sound of the hair dryer, there was silence. Hyun Bin loved the intimacy of drying Ye-Jin's hair. He took his time, slowly working his fingers through her tresses and making sure every single knot was untangled. The familiar wildflowers and sunshine scent flooded his senses. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. This scent belonged only to his Ye-Jin. He was going to miss this.

Ten minutes, Hyun Bin gave Ye-Jin's hair one last lingering pat, a visible tinge of regret in his soft smile as he told her, "There... all done." He was going to miss drying her hair.

Hyun Bin sat on the bed and watched as Ye-Jin continued her nightly routine. She expertly opened some jars and applied her lotions and cream. It always amused him how exact her beauty regime was. He was going to miss this too.

When Ye-Jin was done, Hyun Bin patted the bed, indicating for Ye-Jin to join him. She grinned and crawled over. She rested her head on his arm and settled herself comfortably beside him. They sat in companionable silence, taking simple pleasure in each other's presence.

To Ye-Jin's surprise, Hyun Bin moved after a short while. He dimmed the lights and lowered himself to lie down on the bed. As he moved, he also shifted Ye-Jin's position. He kept her head cradled on his arm and turned her to lie on her slide, with her back to him. He adjusted his body to spoon hers but didn't lay a hand on her.

Hyun Bin stopped moving and silence ensued. Ye-Jin could feel the warmth radiating from his body and his even breathing against the top of her head but he was absolutely still. Did he really fall asleep? she wondered.

Another ten minutes and Ye-Jin finally asked, "Are we really going to sleep already? It's barely 10 pm."

Hyun Bin had to bite back his smile. He had wondered how long it would take for Ye-Jin to ask. He was dying to touch her but the urge to tease her had been stronger. He asked nonchalantly, "Is there something you want to do?"

Ye-Jin mentally groused to herself. What's wrong with this man? How could he sleep? This was their last night together for at least two months and he can't think of anything he wants to do? Did she have to initiate?

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