Chapter 146: Christmas 2020

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Author's Note:

Apologies this update took a while. Had an unexpectedly busy week at work and didn't get much writing time in. 😭

Christmas is my favorite season and I wanted to do a chapter for 2020's Christmas as well. It's a fluffy and light-hearted chapter and I hope you all enjoy it! The side story may sound a little childish to be true - lol, but i find it too coincident for it to be unplanned! This is my take on it 🤣😋❤

Thanks for reading, leaving comments and votes! I hope everyone stay safe and have a good weekend!

Alert: There is adult content in the first 1/3 of the Chapter. Please skip or read at your discretion.

2020 would go down in history as the "lost" year. Some lost their loved ones. Many lost opportunities. Everyone lost the normalcy in their everyday lives. It was strange - life paused while time continued to tick.

Like everyone, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's lives were affected. Ye-Jin was significantly impacted from a work perspective. Her planned foray into Hollywood was indefinitely suspended and worse, she was left in a limbo on when she could accept her next project. CLOY had seen phenomenal success globally and both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin regretted that they could not meet their fans in person. On a personal front, they've had to scale down their engagement, holiday plans had been shelved and like everyone else, they've adjusted to the new normal of mask, social distancing and staying home.

Still, they were celebrating Christmas 2020 with a thankful heart. They were the lucky ones. Their loved ones were well and while there had been some rain in their personal lives, like Ye-Jin's health scare (A/N: Chapters 90,97) or their fight when Hyun Bin let a fan get too close (A/N: Chapter 96) or when he temporary went insane with jealousy (A/N: Chapter 102) or when the fake rumors appeared (A/N: Chapters 132, 133). These were all tests and they had emerged stronger and more in love. They had plenty to be thankful for.

In the new apartment, kitchen - Christmas eve afternoon

"Ya... Kim Tae-Pyung!" Ye-Jin warned as she felt a pair of arms sneak around her waist. She was kneading the dough to make bread and it would be ruined if she stopped halfway.

"I'm just watching," Hyun Bin replied in a wounded tone. Hidden from her view, he smiled cheekily and rest his hands on her flat tummy. He took a deep breath. Apart from smelling like sunshine and flowers, Ye-Jin also smelled like roasted nuts and honey today.

"What are you making?" He murmured next to her ear.

Ye-Jin smiled, "Roasted walnut and honey bread. It will go well with the cream of asparagus soup for tonight's dinner." She took a walnut and dipped it in honey and brought it to his mouth. "Try this, it's delicious!"

Hyun Bin smiled as he chewed. This was another example of how Ye-Jin gave 110% of herself. He had eaten store-bought bread his entire life. They could well afford to buy from the best specialty shops and there was no need for her to do so much work. Ye-Jin, however, preferred to make them from scratch. For him, the taste or quality didn't matter - her bread would always be the best because of her secret ingredient - love.

Ye-Jin concentrated on kneading the dough and Hyun Bin groaned inwardly when her bum pressed against him for the nth time. She really needed to be more aware of her surroundings. He closed his eyes when she again leaned back against him to put more of her weight on the dough. He never realized bread-making could be this pleasurable. Could he wait until she finished?

Ye-Jin gave a dough a final knead and placed it in the dough tray. She dusted off her hands with a self-satisfied smile.

Finally! Hyun Bin thought to himself.

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