Chapter 5: After Dinner

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Hyun Bin's Apartment

Hyun Bin returned home from dinner feeling strangely disconcerted. Dinner had been great, he can't remember the last time he enjoyed himself as much at any kind of meet up. That said, this was work related and they were just trying to improve their rapport and chemistry. Yet, he could not shake the tinge of guilt that he may have enjoyed himself too much. It must be the soju, he thought. I've never been a strong drinker. That must be it.

Ye-Jin's Apartment

Ye-Jin stepped into her apartment with a smile on her face. She was thinking of all the funny stories she heard over dinner. She had a great time and could foresee filming will be a blast with Hyun Bin and Director Lee. She grinned as she recalled Hyun Bin's relief when she agreed on dropping formalities. Soju really was an effective ice-breaker, she thought.

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