Chapter 171: Summer of 2021 (Part 3) - The Bench Fan-Meeting

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Author's Note:

We've really been blessed with one good news after another! 💗 hahahah, every time I open the app to write, I'm reminded of how so many good things are happening in BinJin's lives now and I can't help but smile!  lol, then I get pulled back into history as I continue writing the chapter 🤣😂

I had originally planned to write both the Bench and SMART fan-meetings in this chapter but decided to split it up so I can get the chapter out quicker! There will probably be another two to three chapters around summer...

Thank you for waiting so patiently! It's a light-hearted chapter (inspired in part by that photo of adorable Kitty lazing on the sofa) and I hope you enjoy it! Also thank you for your comments and votes! I hope everyone has a great week ahead! 😊

At the waiting room, an hour before the start

Hyun Bin's hair-stylist, Bo-Ra, gave his hair one final fluff and turned off the hairdryer. All done! She marveled (for the nth time) at its soft and silky texture. It was almost a sin that such gorgeous hair was gifted to a man!

Hyun Bin, meanwhile, was focused on a sheet of paper. "Ma..hal kiii...ta... Mahal kita... Salamat..." he mumbled. It was a list of common Filipino greetings and he was revising the pronunciation.

The handphone on the dresser vibrated and Hyun Bin eagerly reached for it, his revision forgotten. He read the message and smiled.

Bo-Ra's heart skipped a beat.

Now, don't be mistaken, Bo-Ra's not a star-struck fan. An acclaimed hairstylist, she worked with stars all the time. No matter how gorgeous or charming, they were first and foremost clients. She had seen Hyun Bin's smile countless times and had immunity. Or so she thought.

His smile today was different. More than dazzling, it was filled with tenderness. She instinctively knew it was reserved for the special people in his life.

Unable to suppress her curiosity, she sneaked a peek - and chuckled. She stood corrected. It was reserved for the special people and animals in his life. It was a photo of a Maltese, lounging on the sofa, her left hind leg raised up in the air.

Hyun Bin looked up when he heard the chuckle. He gave Bo-Ra a sheepish grin, "This is Kitty's latest trick."

Bo-Ra laughed, "She's grown so much since I saw her at the photoshoot. I think it's about six months already."

Hyun Bin mentally counted. Earlier in January, he brought Kitty along on a photoshoot due to an unexpected incident. (A/N: See side story below) He nodded, "Yes, she was eight months old then. She's almost fifteen months old now."

Bo-Ra took a closer look at the photo, "What kind of trick is she learning? Actually, she looks... bored?"

Hyun Bin laughed. Bo-Ra was right, Kitty did look bored. He explained, "She's doing Pilates."

Bo-Ra's eyes widened. She's never heard of doggie Pilates.

Hyun Bin continued, "Ye-Jin is a big fan of Pilates. She... I've been meaning to try and finally had a trial session last week."

He smoothly corrected himself but truthfully, if not for Ye-Jin, he would never consider Pilates. He couldn't hide the slight grimace as he recalled his aching joints. He was athletic and very fit but the flexibility required for Pilates posed a different challenge. "Kitty saw us and started to mimic the moves. She's been doing all kinds of strange poses all week. This one is her favorite."

Bo-Ra burst out laughing, although she didn't know which was funnier - Kitty and her adorable pose or the image of Hyun Bin in the same pose!

Hyun Bin turned his attention back to the phone. Along with the picture, Ye-Jin had sent a message.

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