Chapter 43: The Weekend Trip

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Ye-Jin's Apartment

It was the first weekend of November and the weather was starting to turn cold. Ye-Jin was sitting on the sofa, sipping a cup of hot americano. How time flies, she mused. They have spent their first summer and autumn together as a couple. So much has happened, they have taken the step from friends to lovers, made their first memories in Barcelona, met their families and friends as a couple and promoted their movie in public. This would be their first winter season together and Ye-Jin looked forward to making more memories together.

She snapped out of her musings and stood up. They were going to Kang Kun Taek's countryside vacation house for a weekend stay. Hyun Bin would be arriving soon and they would make the two hour drive there. Ye-Jin was very excited. Aside from their meeting at Rampant's VIP screening, she had not seen Hyun Bin in nearly a month. She was really looking forward to the next two days.

Countryside holiday home

"It's lovely!" Ye-Jin exclaimed as they approached. The house was literally in the middle of nowhere. It had a traditional looking facade and there were vegetable and fruit gardens on its left and a wide expanse of grass to the right. It was dry and yellowish now given it's winter but it's easy to imagine it blooming with wild flowers in spring.

Ye-Jin jumped out of the car the minute it stopped. There were already three other cars there, it looks like they were the last ones to arrive.

Ye-Jin happily greeted everyone when they entered the house. "You have a lovely place, Kang Sonbaenim," she exclaimed. Kang Kun Taek greeted them and introduced his wife and son to Ye-Jin. Their six year old boy was adorable.

CEO Lee, Kim Oppa and Dong Wan were in the kitchen, helping to pack tonight's dinner into the refrigerator. Ye-Jin went over to help but CEO Lee pushed her out. "Go take a walk with Hyun Bin," she whispered to Ye-Jin.

Ye-Jin blushed as she came out of the kitchen. Hyun Bin overheard and laughed, "I'll show Ye-Jin the nearby creek then." 

Hyun Bin held Ye-Jin's left hand as they walked towards the creek. Ye-Jin smiled and looked at him, "Your hands are so warm!" She leaned closer to him and placed her right hand on his hand, trying to warm up her hands.

"Why are your hands so cold?" Hyun Bin asked. She was already bundled up like a mummy. She had a woolen sweater on and a full length down jacket. He rubbed her hands between his and tried to warm them up.

Ye-Jin looked at herself and laughed sheepishly, "I shouldn't be right."

They walked hand in hand, enjoying the simple pleasure of being together.

"What have you been busy with?" Hyun Bin asked.

"I've been reviewing scripts. It's about time to identify the next piece of work." Ye-Jin grinned. "I've been out of work for almost six months. I've narrowed down a couple of interesting ones and will probably meet the directors to discuss more details."

"Are they movies or dramas?" Hyun Bin continued.

"There's a mix but I'm favoring the movies. I did receive the script for a drama but I will likely decline." Ye-Jin sneaked a peak at Hyun Bin and continued. "They also offered it to Hae-In shi as well."

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