Chapter 71: CLOY - Filming Continues (Part 3)

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Scene 1: Beer & Chicken along Taedong River (Episode 6)

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were seated in a bar, preparing to shoot the scene where Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri had their beer and chicken.

Director Lee was running through the scenario with them and they couldn't quite agree on how to interpret the relationship between Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri at that point in time. Ye-Jin and Hyun Bin were seated comfortably on the sofa. It was clear to anyone watching that they were close. Their shoulders were touching and Se-ri was reading off Hyun Bin's script. They looked so natural that nobody found it strange, but in reality, it was uncommon for two co-stars to be so intimate off camera.

"Jeong-hyeok did it because he was cautious of crossing the line in their relationship," Director Lee explained why Jeong-hyeok would push Se-ri's head away from his shoulder.

Ye-Jin laughed, "But Se-ri didn't."

"That's not true," Director Lee laughed as well. "If Se-ri hadn't been concerned about crossing the line, she would have confessed her feelings."

Ye-Jin considered, "But this feels like a confession". She leaned her head towards Hyun Bin's shoulder, enacting how Se-ri would rest her head on Jeong-hyeok's shoulder. Ye-Jin continued, "She likes him."

Director Lee explained, "Like a friend."

Hyun Bin inserted, "He likes her too but in a different way."

Director Lee interjected, "Jeong-hyeok feels it too."

Ye-Jin exclaimed, "Jeong-hyeok likes her too. Look!," she pointed to Hyun Bin's script, "There's 5 exclamation marks!"

They eventually agreed that Se-ri didn't want to cross the line but her straight-forward personality came through stronger in part due to the alcohol. Jeong-hyeok knew Se-ri was special to him at a certain subconscious level but it was not something his conscious mind was ready to acknowledge yet.

As they waited on standby, Ye-Jin whispered to HyunBin, "It suddenly struck me when we were discussing earlier. I feel that Se-ri's like you and Jeong-hyeok's like me."

Hyun Bin smiled, his deep dimples showing, "I was thinking exactly the same thing." He was tickled by how in sync their thoughts were.

They were careful with their interaction in front f the crew but couldn't resist a tiny reward for having the same thought. As if they had coordinated in advance, Ye-Jin moved her left hand and Hyun Bin his right hand. Their hands came to rest beside each other and both broke into a slightly silly smile. If you look very closely, the backs of their hands were touching. They were smiling over the simple pleasure of having the same thoughts. Director Lee caught a glimpse of the smile which disappeared quickly when he called for final standby. He wondered what that was about.


"You keep changing your stance. I don't know what you really want." Jeong-hyeok asked cautiously. He was genuinely curious why Se-ri was acting this way.

"I don't even understand myself. How can you understand me?" Se-ri sighed. "And this repeating cycle of my mood swings is my drinking habit. Let's just drink!" Se-ri picked up the beer glass and clicked glasses with Jeong-hyeok.

Jeong-hyeok smiled in amusement while Se-ri made a face, partly in annoyance with her own ambivalence.

After another swig of beer and a pause, Se-ri closed her eyes and rested her head on Jeong-hyeok's shoulder. She was caught up in her own thoughts and looked somewhat melancholic.

Jeong-hyeok was surprised and after a moment, brought his finger up to push Se-ri's head off his shoulder. Se-ri subconsciously dodged the push by rolling her head slightly back. She opened her eyes and looked at him, "Is my head heavy?"

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