Chapter 107: COVID-19

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Author's Note: Hello! Apologies it took longer than usual to update the chapter. Like many of you, I've been bogged down with that voting app. 😭 I started with one device... over the last few days have dug out decommissioned phones (I've just completed updating the iOS of my phone - lol, it was so old it could only take an old version of the app). I'm writing now and tapping on the three devices in front of me. I have to say I'm already a little tired of it... the male actors category seems to be really competitive. lol, i think I'm too old for this.

Anyway, finally done with the chapter. This was the period South Korea saw their first wave of cases. The backdrop is factual. COVID has changed many of our lives - myself included although I have to say I've been fortunate that the impact is minimal. Life is certainly very different but I think I've learnt to count my blessings. I hope everyone stays safe, where ever you are.

Its a fairly somber chapter given the topic... but I hope you still enjoy it! Thanks for all your comments and votes, both the long-time readers and new readers! Have a great weekend!

Trip to Daegu

As the saying goes, it never rains but it pours. While Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin faced their mini-crisis due to the hand-holding incident, South Korea was also at the beginning of a crisis, the COVID-19 crisis.

Given South Korea's proximity to China, the country had seen sporadic cases since early January. Strict contact tracing and monitoring were quickly imposed and people were in general not too worried. The situation was going to change though, drastically and for the worst.

On 18th February, South Korea reported its 31st case, a member of the Shincheonji religious organization. This was a pivotal point. The individual had reportedly attended many mass gatherings while infectious and the authorities were anticipating an outbreak.

This was going to be personal for Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin. Why? The individual lived in Daegu. Yes, Ye-Jin's hometown, Daegu, where her parents and many extended family members live.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin had been so tied up with the hand holding incident yesterday that they missed out on the Daegu news. When they saw the news the today morning, Ye-Jin hurriedly called her mother. A worried looking Hyun Bin sat next to her and listened in.

"Omma," Ye-Jin started once the line connected. "We were tied up with managing the gossip yesterday and didn't hear about the outbreak in Daegu. Is everything alright?"

Mrs Son had wondered why Ye-Jin would be calling so early. "Don't worry, we're fine. I think they're exaggerating. Its a big city, how can a single person affect the entire city? Your father and I will not go out unnecessarily so don't worry about us. Is Tae-Pyung alright already?"

Ye-Jin did not know that her mother had spoken with Hyun Bin yesterday and was surprised by her question. She turned to look at Hyun Bin and shot him a questioning look. Hyun Bin smiled and nodded, indicating for Ye-Jin to affirm the question.

"He says he's fine, Omma," Ye-Jin dutifully replied. She was puzzled by Hyun Bin and her mother's exchange but turned back to the topic on hand. "Omma, you have to be careful. If it gets worse, I think you and Appa should come up to Seoul."

Mrs Son paused and considered, "Actually, that may not be a bad idea. Now that you have decided on the engagement venue, there will be a lot of things to prepare. It'll be easier if I'm there. I'll speak with your Appa, maybe we should go down to Seoul next week and stay until after the engagement," Mrs Son mused aloud.

Ye-Jin shook her head, what was her mother talking about. Here she was worried about the virus and her mother was thinking about the engagement. "Omma, make sure the two of you stay in the house. Don't go to the market or meet your friends for now," Ye-Jin reminded Mrs Son.

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