Chapter 121: Baeksang (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

I'm too late to say Merry Christmas so Happy Holidays to all of you! 🎇

Most of you probably will notice the new cover for Our Story. Its an early Christmas present from @YOWNSERI on twitter. I've never been good with graphics, lol, the only thing I've worked with are the shapes in powerpoint presentations, so I'm really thankful for the new cover. I really love it, thank you so much Clytie!

Religious belief aside, Christmas and the year end is usually a time for reflection.😉 So I'm going to do mine too. Its been about seven months since I started this story and I want to just say a BIG thank you to everyone who has followed/read this.

I've probably mentioned before that I started this only for fun and I never expected it to continue for so long. I've never written anything outside of boring work emails (lol, which is probably the reason why my writing style is the basic style 😂) and this has turned out to be a wonderful experience for me.

While I started writing for fun, I realized quickly that having readers who enjoy the story is what made it sustainable. So this story won't exist if not for every one of you reading. Thanks for sharing all your feedback (even if its just an exclamation, its a reaction to me and it tells me you're engaged ). I've never had a negative comment despite all the errors/gaps and everyone has been nothing but encouraging , even to the point of sharing events/ideas - so "thank you so much" for being the readers you are! 💕

Back to the chapter... No surprises here, it wraps up the actual Baeksang event. I do want to give credits for the translation of Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's speeches. I searched online and pulled it together from a translation in soompi forum by celest1al and also some of the fan videos on youtube. (I made some edits because I merged some of the content but its all based on the original translators' work) Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to ask for permission without signing up as a member. So hopefully the original translators won't mind me using this.

Also, as mentioned...

Alert: There's adult content in the second half of the chapter. As usual, please read or skip at your own discretion. 😋

I hope you enjoy the chapter! Have a great week ahead!

The 56th Baeksang Arts Awards has officially begun. This year's hosts, Shin Dong Yup, Park Bo Gum and Bae Suzy were currently on stage doing the opening.

This year's ceremony would be one-of-a-kind because of the mixed bag of conflicting "moods" which were present. It was supposed to be grand and luxurious, yet toned-down and safe. It was supposed to be a celebration, yet sensitive to the fact there was a pandemic ravaging the world. It was supposed to be joyous, yet they had to remember the pain. It was a new normal, one of the many new normals in today's world.

Hyun Bin sat in his assigned seat, feeling slightly apprehensive as he listened to the hosts. Why was he apprehensive? It was a good question because he had no clue as well. He started to eliminate possibilities.

Was it because of Ye-Jin? She was seated on his left. He could sight her himself and she looked perfectly comfortable, so it couldn't be due to her.

Was it because of the media scrutiny on the two of them? It shouldn't be. If anything, there was actually lesser pressure because today's event was closed to fans and the public. Only official media representatives were present. They didn't have to worry about fan-cam footages which could capture hard to explain moments. The official media knew their limits and with so many other celebrities to report on, he knew they had no time to focus on him and Ye-Jin.

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