Chapter 27: Meeting in Barcelona (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: A little spoiler on the chapter... our leads will finally share their first kiss in this chapter. Lol, I now realize its easy to read these scenes but really hard to write (at least for me!) I'm still not very pleased with it but I don't think I can improve it much further for now . Hopefully its not too childish, just bear with me. Have a great weekend!

Ye-Jin slept very well that night. After she got over her initial shyness over what nearly transpired last night, she realized she had underestimated how well Hyun Bin knew her. And even more importantly, she realized how careful he was with her. It's probably an old fashion concept in today's world but she felt treasured. She went to bed with a smile on her face.

They both work up early the next morning, eager to maximize their time together. The suite had a wonderful view of the Mediterranean Sea and they decided to have breakfast on the balcony.

"Did you sleep well?" Ye-Jin asked, and then immediately blushed when she realized the implication of her question.

Hyun Bin smiled wryly, "You probably didn't hear how long I was in the shower last night. I had a long cold shower." His smiled widened when he saw Ye-Jin turn from pink to red. He really loved teasing her. "But I slept well after that."

Surprisingly, Hyun Bin did sleep well. Apart from solving his physical problem, the cold shower also cleared his mind. He realized how important Ye-Jin was to him. He obviously likes her but even he did not realize the depth of his feelings. He went to sleep feeling contented that he had done what was right, albeit unsatisfying.

Hyun Bin continued, "You said you enjoy the sea. I made a booking for a sail along the coast and a swim in a private cove this afternoon. How does that sound?"

"Really!" Ye-Jin squealed. "It sounds fantastic! I love being out in the sea."

Hyun Bin laughed at her excitement, pleased that he had made the right choice. "We just need to be at the harbor at 3pm. Do you have anything you want to do while we're here?"

"Shall we spend the morning walking around the city then?" Ye-Jin asked. "I've not had a chance to tour the sights of Barcelona."

Barcelona city

They went for a walk in the Gothic Quarter, the oldest district in Barcelona. The area was bustling, with tourists and locals alike. There were many boutique shops selling local crafts and specialties. Ye-Jin loved it and kept wandering into different shop fronts. After the third time they were separated by the crowds, Hyun Bin grabbed hold of Ye-Jin's hand and pulled her close to his side. Ye-Jin was surprised and looked up at him. She smiled when he pretended to ignore her look and instead tightened his hold. Ye-Jin looked down at their entwined fingers and her smile brightened. It felt good to have his warm and larger hands hold onto her. They held hands for a long time, even when the crowds disappeared.

They also visited the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, a church which first started building in 1882 and is still being built today. Ye-Jin was enthralled by the beautiful architecture and dance of lights from the stained glass.

"Isn't it beautiful, Bin?" Ye-Jin whispered. "Imagine that this has been built for the past over one hundred years, how many generations have worked on it for us to see it today. I realize I'm so insignificant in the context of time."

Hyun Bin nodded silently and slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. He was also in awe of the tranquil beauty in front of his eyes. That was the good thing about traveling, it puts things in perspective and you realize there's a whole world outside of your individual lives and the world doesn't just revolve around your life.

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