Chapter 159: The Webfoot Octopus Date

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Author's Note:

Happy Monday All! Apologies I took longer than expected with the chapter and thank you for waiting! 🥰. I've wanted to write on this particular sighting... lol, mainly because I was puzzled by why they had to remove HB's autograph... I gave some thought and this is my spin on it 😀🥰 I hope you enjoy it! Have a good week ahead!

At the CA2 filming site, 6th March 2021

Hyun Bin drummed his fingers impatiently while his make-up artist frantically cleaned his face. He let out a deep breath and checked his watch for the umpteenth time. He didn't say anything but it was obvious he was in a hurry to leave.

And he was. Ye-Jin was waiting for him and he was over an hour late. He called her once he realized filming would over-run. She had told him it was alright and asked him to take his time but he could tell she was already on-route.

His schedule had been crazy and this was their first dinner date in over a week. He wanted Ye-Jin to have an enjoyable evening and felt defeated because it was starting with her waiting an hour for him.

The dinner idea - flashback to filming three days ago

The mood on the set was somber. They had been filming non-stop for a week and fatigue was starting to set in. Dong Wan was an exception. He was in high spirits and greeted everyone cheerfully as he walked across the set to Hyun Bin's rest room.

Don't be mistaken, Dong Wan had been working hard and was just as tired as everyone. He was just happy because had discovered a wonderful option for today's dinner. They had been living off bento boxes for over a week and just the thought that he would not be eating neither kimbap nor kimchi fried rice today was enough to bring a smile to his face.

He had a teeny weeny problem though. His dinner idea was above VAST's filming meal allowance limits. That's why he was going to Hyung - he needed either approval or sponsorship.

"Hyung!" Dong Wan greeted with a big smile.

Hyun Bin was lounging on the sofa, engrossed in a text conversation with Ye-Jin. He looked up when the door swung open and his eyes narrowed at Dong Wan's bright smile. Something must be wrong...

Dong Wan sat next to Hyun Bin and chirpily said, "We're making orders for dinner and I have a suggestion."

Hyun Bin scooted to the far end of the sofa, putting some distance between him and Dong Wan. He asked suspiciously, "What kind of suggestion? Isn't it either kimbap or kimchi fried rice? You know I always take kimbap. By the way, I want the tuna one today."

Dong Wan glowed, this was the perfect opening. "Hyung, that's the thing! You don't have to eat kimbap! I was talking with the assistant PD. They went to a nearby restaurant for supper after filming yesterday. He said it was the best spicy webfoot octopus they had ever eaten. We can have that for today's dinner!"

Hyun Bin wanted to laugh when Dong Wan licked his lips. If Dong Wan was not his manager, he would have been a great food blogger. He had a naturally greedy looking face. Hyun Bin kept his expression straight and asked, "And you're asking me because...?"

Dong Wan immediately replied, "It's over the allowance limits. I need approval." There was no need to mince words and Hyung would also benefit from this. He had nothing to lose by approving.

Hyun Bin laughed. As usual, Dong Wan was nothing but honest. He was about to tell Dong Wan to go ahead when a thought suddenly struck him and he asked, "Is it really that good?"

Dong Wan nodded eagerly, "I did some research. They have rave reviews and are well-known for the authentic flavors. They're top five for webfoot octopus in Korea. It's really worth trying!"

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