Chapter 4: Dinner & Drinks

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Local barbecue diner - Drinks with Director Lee, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin

Director Lee picked a local barbecue place for dinner. Director Lee and Hyun Bin were already seated in an obscure corner of the restaurant when Ye-Jin arrived. The place was bustling with families and groups enjoying their dinner and no one paid them special heed.

Ye-Jin was delighted with the choice. As a public figure, it's usually difficult for her to dine comfortably in crowded places and she would usually pre-book private rooms. It's a treat to be able to walk into a crowded eatery like a regular person. She was dressed simply in a pale pink blouse and jeans, with a cap for extra cover, but her pleasure in the freedom most people take for granted shone through. With her signatory eye smile, she was a sight to behold and this was what Hyun Bin first saw when he raised his head.

Hyun Bin froze, "She's stunning" was the first thought that ran through his mind, unfiltered. He's used to being around beautiful women but Ye-Jin somehow felt different, although he couldn't figure out what it was.

"Hello Director Lee, Hyun Bin-shi, I'm so sorry I'm late. We had some trouble finding the place." Ye-Jin sat down opposite Hyun Bin and offered her apologies. "This is a fantastic choice for dinner. We're allowed to have soju as well, right?" Her excitement was contagious and both men smiled.

"Of course," Director Lee called out. "Ahjumma, three bottles of soju here!"

They had a wonderful time. Even though this was their first time working together, they have both been in the industry for over 10 years and shared many commonalities. They exchanged stories about their rookie days, seniors they have worked with, what's important to them, their current focus and a range of miscellaneous topics, even the drinks they like. Despite being mere acquaintances prior to today, they both realized their core fundamentals are comfortingly aligned – they prioritize honing their acting skills, they are essentially private people despite their seemingly different personality types, they are both grounded and want to remain true to themselves despite the pressures from their environment.

Director Lee was naturally relegated to an observer, not that he minded. After all, it's their chemistry that needs to be built, he told himself. It's rare though, he mused, for two effective strangers to share so much about themselves. He had suggested dinner to get out of the awkward situation, but it looks like this may turn out to be his best suggestion. He wondered if they were aware of the twinkle in their eyes and how they naturally leaned towards each other as they laughed. The soju order was a good call.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin saw Director Lee stand up, gesture to his mobile phone and walk out of the restaurant. Hyun Bin turned his attention back to barbecuing the meat and placed the ready ones on Ye-Jin's plate. "Try some," he gestured. "I'm really not boasting but I'm great at barbecues, it's one of my selling points. Ask Hae-Jin sonbae. I'm his resident chef in charge when we have barbecues."

Ye-Jin let out a peal of laughter. Hyun Bin looked at her and subconsciously took a mental photo. She's beautiful when she laughs. He felt as if he was at the top of the world just because he made her laugh. Hyun Bin shook his head slightly, a little bewildered and surprised by his thoughts, where did this one come from. The soju must be getting to me.

"By the way, Hyun Bin-shi, I'm born in January 1982," Ye-Jin started. "When is your birthday? Let's sort out how we address each other so we don't get confused." She gave him a knowing look.

He could feel the tip of his ears turning hot. She obviously noticed his hesitation when addressing her on the script reading day. "We're the same year but I'm in September."

"Then I'm strictly speaking Noona to you, since I'm one academic year ahead of you," Ye-Jin sighed. "You know, during my rookie days, I really looked forward to the day juniors will address me as Noona. As you age, Noona feels oddly heavy."

Hyun Bin couldn't help but laugh at her lamentation. "You sound as if you're approaching fifty years old. Let's follow the western calendar. We're the same age, I'll call you Ye-Jin and you can call me Bin. We'll do away with seniority." Hyun Bin paused for a second, suddenly realizing he may have gotten ahead of himself, belatedly adding, "If you're okay with that of course." Ye-Jin is after all a sonbae from an experience perspective.

Hyun Bin met her sparkling eyes and felt oddly relieved when she said, "Cool", with a mischievous smile.

Director Lee returned to the table to find his two stars looking at each other with a silly grin on their face. I wonder what I missed, he thought to himself.

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