Chapter 9: The Negotiation - Filming continues

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Now that the two leads have found their method to connect, the team started to film the actual movie. Filming was smooth. Ye-Jin had many interesting ideas and interpretations which she brought to the table. Director Lee and Hyun Bin were both open to trying new ideas and they had some instances of 'acting break-through'. The entire cast was buoyed by the progress and also the somewhat normal-abnormal "happy" mood of the two lead actors.

Director Lee sat on his chair, in a pensive mood. They had just finished monitoring their latest shot and the team was taking a break. He could see Ye-Jin and Hyun Bin seated at the rest area, laughing about something. He's finding it hard to put a finger on their relationship. He knows for a fact there's no romantic involvement but yet it's hard not to see all the pink bubbles surrounding them when they're together. Is it merely because they look good together? He doesn't think so. Yes, they are both attractive individuals but they have worked with other equally attractive individuals and he has not observed anything similar to this almost tangible cloud of attraction that seems to surround them when they are together. What's even stranger is the fact that both of them seem to be unaware of it. The entire crew is giving them space, afraid that any unnecessary gossip may affect their chemistry and the filming but Director Lee is aware everyone is also puzzled over their relationship.

Meanwhile, at the rest corner, our oblivious leads are still bickering. "I'm telling you, you need to go down and visit my set. Then you'll know why I say this is Hollywood in comparison," Hyun Bin said, belatedly adding, "Plus, seeing the actual set will give you new insights into Min Tae Gu."

Ye-Jin laughed. "You are good at reading people. That's probably the only reason that will entice me to go down to the basement."

Hyun Bin's signature dimples deepened at her words. Doesn't that imply that he knows her well?

90% of this movie is carried out in their respective sets, with minimal outdoor scenes. Hyun Bin in his dingy basement den and Ye-Jin in her clean and bright command center. There's no opportunity for Ye-Jin to visit his set in the scenario but Hyun Bin wanted his co-star to share or at least know his pain.

"Alright, alright," Ye-Jin said, "I'll go down after our last scene today. But seriously, how bad can it be, it's still a set right."

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