Chapter 29: Meet the Stakeholders (Part 1)

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With both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin back in Seoul, they began a new phase in their relationship, namely integrating "us" into their individual lives. While they intend to keep their relationship private from the public, they have to start to cue in their agencies, friends and family.

MS Team Entertainment Office

"Hello Ye-Jin," CEO Lee greeted her with a warm hug. "How was your holiday? I haven't seen you in nearly a month. You look like you're glowing! It must have been great!"

"It was great, Onni. You know I love traveling, there's no such thing as a bad holiday. The cities were beautiful," Ye-Jin replied. Just then, Manager Kim came in.

"Sorry, I got caught on the phone with a sponsor," Manager Kim took the seat next to Ye-Jin. "What is this meeting about again?" He looked at CEO Lee expectantly.

"I didn't call for this meeting. I thought you guys did," CEO Lee replied, confused.

"Actually, I requested it," Ye-Jin raised her hand, looking at them hesitantly. "Onni, Oppa, there's something I need to tell you. I'm dating."

CEO Lee and Manager Kim both raised an eye-brow.  In truth, they were not surprised. They had just recently discussed when they thought it might happen. "Is it by any chance Hyun Bin?" Manager Kim asked.

It was Ye-Jin's turn to be surprised. "How did you know, Oppa?"

Manager Kim smiled, "Ye-Jin, I've known you for so many years. I probably know you better than my own sister. It was obvious to me there was some kind of attraction between you and Hyun Bin from day one. For whatever reason, the two of you seemed to be oblivious to it. But he was dating someone else during that time and I thought it's better nothing came out of it anyway. When the two of you met again in April for the re-filming, it became even more obvious."

Ye-Jin could feel tears gathering in her eyes.

Manager Kim continued, "I've been observing him for a while and he seems decent enough. I've also subtly asked some of the other guys who have worked with Hyun Bin, nothing negative came out. He does have friends who seem to, let's say, enjoy the fast life but it looks like Hyun Bin is not part of it. I sounded out CEO Lee and she agreed his character seemed okay. We didn't want to unduly influence or pressure you, so we kept quiet. We figured you'll tell us when the time is right."

Large drops of tears flowed down Ye-Jin's face. This was the reason why she has stayed with this agency for her entire career. They were her family. Even before she knew what was happening between her and Hyun Bin, her family was already working in the background, making sure she was in good hands.

CEO Lee gave Ye-Jin a hug, "Silly girl, why are you crying. We're all happy for you. I don't know Hyun Bin personally but from what we see now, he looks like a good person. If you really like him, we'll support you all the way. You more than deserve the happiness. But Ye-Jin, it's not going to be easy given both your status. You'll both have to work hard on it. That's something we can't help you with."

Ye-Jin nodded. She felt so blessed. While she didn't expect her agency to object to the relationship, she also wasn't expecting them to embrace it so warmly.

Manager Kim continued, "You'll give Kang Kun Taek a call? I'm going to contact Hyun Bin's manager and see how we can cooperate."

CEO Lee nodded and smiled, "Yes, I'll speak with him. He should be happy as well."

VAST Agency Office

Kang Kun Taek, co-CEO of Vast, was sitting in his office, reviewing their financials for the month. He frowned at some of the numbers and was making a note to speak with the accountant when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," he called.

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