Chapter 35: Do I love You Less?

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Author's Notes:
Thank you for all your comments and feedback! It's a nice feeling to see that you're engaged and enjoy this 😘
I am looking forward to write on Hyun Bin's birthday (lol, actually I'm still wondering how I'm going to pen it) but just a heads up that will probably be a couple of chapters out.

Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this chapter!

At Ye-Jin's Apartment

Hyun Bin's flight landed in Seoul around 7pm and Dong Wan dropped him off at Ye-Jin's apartment. He had taken the first flight out of Slovenia after they finished filming. Despite his exhaustion, Hyun Bin wanted to see Ye-Jin first. He really missed her.

Ye-Jin opened the door and gave him a tight hug. "You're finally back!" she whispered. "I missed you." It felt so good to be in his arms. She didn't realize how much she would miss him. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

Ye-Jin ushered him into the living room and she saw how tired he looked. "You should have gone home to get some sleep first. You're clearly exhausted!" she scolded him gently.

Hyun Bin grinned, "I don't think I can sleep if I didn't see you today. Don't worry, I'll feel better after a shower. There was a delay in transit and it lengthened the travel time, that's all."

"Why don't you take a shower first then? I have a surprise for you," Ye-Jin smiled secretively. "It'll be ready when you're done." She pushed Hyun Bin into the bathroom, handed him a towel and his spare clothes, gave him a peck on his cheek, her cheeks oddly turning pink and closed the bathroom door behind her.

Hyun Bin took a deep breath and shook his head. He's starting to feel the combined effects of jet-lag and exhaustion from filming kick in. The deep breath cleared his mind somewhat and he smiled when he realized the bathroom was filled with Ye-Jin's scents. There was the faint sunshine infused flowery scent which he usually smelt on her hair, the cool and minty scent he would smell on her nape, he also recognized the lavender scent which he caught in her living room the last time he was here. After weeks of missing her, this sudden sensory overload of her scents was comforting. It felt like he was finally home.

This was the first time he saw her bathroom and he looked around. There were fresh flowers next to the sink, at least six bottles of shampoo/bodywash/etc in the shower area, the vanity top had at least twenty bottles of he can't even imagine what and all kinds of accessories like clips, hair bands, pins, etc neatly placed beside it. It was feminine, busy and so her. He smiled, it was good to be here.

Hyun Bin showered quickly and went to the kitchen in search of Ye-Jin. He saw her bent over the stove, tasting something and nodding her approval. She looked pleased and just a tad smug. Hyun Bin laughed and asked, "Is that the surprise? What do you have on the stove? It smells great."

"Sundubu jjigae (spicy soft toufu soup)!" Ye-Jin informed him. "I prepared it when you messaged me that you'll be coming over. Have a seat, I'll get some for you. You must be starving."

Ye-Jin placed the bowl of piping hot soup and rice in front of Hyun Bin and looked at him, excited and expectant both at once. She looked like a child waiting for her reward after doing well in her exams.

Hyun Bin didn't dare laugh and instead picked up his spoon. His brows lifted in surprise, it was delicious! "I thought you said you can't cook," he asked. "This is really good!"

Ye-Jin blushed and replied a little shyly, "I've been taking lessons from my mum the last few weeks. This is the most successful attempt so far, so I'm really pleased."

Hyun Bin was touched. He pulled Ye-Jin to sit down next to him and brought a spoonful of the soup to her lips. She drank it and told Hyun Bin with a slight grimace, "You drink it. To be honest, I've had so much sundubu jjigae recently, I think I'll stay clear for a couple of months."

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