Chapter 92: CLOY Filming Continues (Part 10) & Bargaining

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No changes, re-publishing as there seems to be readers who can't see

Author's Notes: This is one of my favorite part of the drama. It's probably top three 😂 I loved how Ri Jeong-hyeok lay his bare soul to the audience - whether the lines, the acting, the editing, I thought it was very well done. Lol, I really wanted to write in this scene despite the limited "story" I could think off, so just bear with me if it's not as interesting! 🥰

I saw some news that Hyun Bin could be on his way back to Korea. My little side story is coincidentally related to Bargaining.. Fingers crossed he really is!

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Scene: Se-Ri gets shot and Surgery in the hospital (Episode 13 / 14)

They were filming the scenes where Se-ri gets shot in her bid to protect Jeong-hyeok. This was one of the key climatic scene in the drama as it brought Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri's relationship to new heights. For Se-ri, she showed that she would be willing to do everything to know Jeong-hyeok and his love. Ironically, for Jeong-hyeok, that same love that he had for her meant that he would rather she had never met him, because she would then be safe.

Hyun Bin, Ye-Jin and Director Lee had discussed the scenes extensively. Hyun Bin would be carrying most of the scenes himself given Ye-Jin would be the unconscious Se-ri. The intention was to allow the audience to walk into Jeong-hyeok's heart and for this usually reticent, stoic and yet endearing man to allow them a view of his love.

They were now preparing to film the scene when Jeong-hyeok would cradle the unconscious and lifeless Se-ri immediately after she was shot.

Hyun Bin had been unusually quiet as he focused on getting into character. Ye-Jin knew this would be a challenging scene for any actor. There were no props, and in fact, no partner even in this scene to help him bring out the emotions. He would have to rely on his technical skills and emotions to touch the audience.

They were waiting in the rest area while the camera and lighting teams finalized the set up. Ye-Jin sat next to Hyun Bin and discretely slipped her right hand into his larger and warmer left hand. Hyun Bin was startled by her cold hand and immediately wrapped his fingers around her hand to warm them. His right hand went straight into his pocket and fished out a heat pad. Ye-Jin smiled impishly, she's actually in awe of how he seemed to have an endless supply of heat pads for her.

"Are you ready for the scene?" Ye-Jin asked softly. He seemed a little more preoccupied than usual.

Hyun Bin closed his eyes for a moment and he let out a soft sigh. "I've done the preparation and I think it will be okay but to be honest, I still feel like something is missing."

"We still have some time. Let's talk through the  key emotions and see if there's anything we missed earlier." Ye-Jin suggested.

Hyun Bin nodded. Ye-Jin always brought different perspectives to the table, if anyone could pin down the missing link, it would be her. He started narrating his thoughts, "Jeong-hyeok's in shock because it happened so suddenly. The truth that Se-ri has been critically injured really sank in only after he saw her wound. Grief and despair sets in and Jeong-hyeok shed tears."

They were both silent as they tried to assimilate to Jeong-hyeok's emotions.

"Se-ri may not be conscious but she's at peace. She would have no regrets because Jeong-hyeok is safe. That's all that matters to her." Ye-Jin added in Se-ri's perspective.

Hyun Bin frowned slightly and he suddenly straightened. "That's the missing piece, regret. Apart from grief, regret is the other emotion that will overwhelm Jeong-hyeok. Regret because she wouldn't be in this state if she hadn't met him, regret that he hadn't been able to fulfill his promise to protect her and most of all, regret that he had not told her he love her." Hyun Bin's eyes shone with excitement and anticipation, that was the piece that he intuitively had felt was missing, just grief and despair alone had felt flat somehow.

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