Chapter 133: Hurtful Fake News (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

Happy Weekend! Firstly, sorry for the cliffhanger at the last chapter. 😅 I'm a reader of fics too, so i know how vexing it is. I had so much more to write and that had seemed to be a good place to cut off the chapter. I hope this chapter makes up for it.   thank you for waiting! 🥰

Given what we know today, I think this incident may actually have accelerated them going public with their relationship... there's always a silver lining in every dark cloud. This is my spin on it 😉🥰

A special thank you to @Artiejjie again for proof-reading.

Thanks again for all your votes, comments and feedback. ❤️🥰❤️ Have a great weekend!

In Korea, Seoul - Ye-Jin's Apartment

Ye-Jin left the garden and entered the house. She was about to walk to her bedroom when she heard her phone ring. She paused and almost comically looked down at her empty hands. There was no phone on her. Where did she leave it?

She looked around and finally spotted it ringing and vibrating on the coffee table. She must have left it there after reading the news articles earlier. Ye-Jin threw it a disinterested glance. She was really not in the mood to speak with anyone.

Thankfully, the caller hung up and the ringing stopped. Ye-Jin turned away and just as she took her first step, it started to ring again.

Ye-Jin frowned. She took another step, hesitated and let out a defeated sigh. As much as she wanted to curl up alone on her bed and lick her wounds, it could be urgent if the person was calling again.

She reached for the phone and her eyes widened when she saw the caller's name.

It was Hyun Bin.

Her eyes widened further when she saw there were twenty-one missed calls.

Ye-Jin's mind cleared instantly, as if someone had given her a good shake and finally roused her from her dazed stupor.

To clarify, no matter how broken-hearted Ye-Jin had been, she never forgot about Hyun Bin. When Manager Kim first called, he had told her that Hyun Bin was not aware of the news. Ye-Jin knew he was scheduled to film for at least another three hours and she had assumed he would not hear about the news until after filming.

It was at that point that she allowed herself to wallow in her pain. After all, wasn't she at least allowed to feel sorry for herself?

Ye-Jin gave herself another hard knock on the head and winced at the pain. She really must be out of her mind. Of course, Hyun Bin would hear about the news immediately. There was no way Dong Wan would wait for filming to conclude to update him.

Ye-Jin quickly answered the call, "Tae-Pyung?"

In Jordan, small town an hour outside Amman

Hyun Bin counted three rings. There will be another four rings before he's re-directed to her voicemail. After twenty-one calls, he was an expert.

He drummed his fingers impatiently against the table. This was the last time he was going to call Ye-Jin. The next call would be to Manager Kim, for him to go over to their house and physically sight Ye-Jin.

He was now really worried. It was no longer just about the ridiculous news. No matter how angry Ye-Jin was, she knew how badly affected he would be by this news. There was no way she would ignore his calls. Something must be wrong.

Just as he was about to hang up, the call unexpectedly connected. Ye-Jin's soft and concerned voice rang out, "Tae-Pyung?"

A rush of relief washed over Hyun Bin and he released the breath he didn't know he was holding. His hand shook when he lifted the handphone from the table. He said a silent prayer of thanks in his heart, he has finally found his Ye-Jin.

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