Chapter 148: Kitty's Chapter

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Author's Note:

Hello! I hope this chapter finds everyone well! Apologies for the long wait. I took a longer than planned break 😭 thank you for waiting!

This chapter was originally supposed to be on people's reaction post 1 Jan but we got confirmation of Mina's existence (from YJ's bbq meal posting!) and I changed it to Mina's chapter as a form of celebration .🥰. What I didn't expect was YJ's curveball on Kitty 🤣😭 (My mind is still trying to process calling a dog Kitty) so its now Kitty's chapter.

I will also be going back to the earlier chapters with "Mina" to make the name changes - in case you see notifications later on changes to older chapters.

Thanks again to Artijjie for editing. (Especially for the Mina/Kitty mix ups!) It's going to take me a while to get Mina out of my head 😭😭😭

It's a light-hearted chapter and I hope everyone enjoys it! Thank you for all your votes, comments (I enjoy reading them 😘) and for reading! Have a good week ahead! 💕

At the new Apartment

The morning sun shone through the glass-walled living room. Kitty sleepily opened her right eye, stretched out her paws and yawned. It was time to get up!

Still sleepy, she hopped out of her basket. Her human parents were already up. She saw Mummy in the balcony finishing her morning stretches and Daddy was in the kitchen. She sniffed carefully and her eyes brightened. They were having American breakfast today. Maybe a piece of bacon would drop on the floor!

Just then, Daddy opened the balcony door and called out, "Eon-Jin, you've been out there for thirty minutes. Come in before you freeze!"

Kitty tilted her head sideways and looked on with amusement. She knew what would happen next.

Mummy looked up and exhaled deeply, causing a white cloud to surround her face. She finished her last pose and walked back into the house - straight into Daddy's arms.

Kitty wagged her tail. She knew it! Daddy and Mummy loved hugging.

Hyun Bin's breath caught as he wrapped his arms around the icy cold Ye-Jin. He pulled her deeper into his embrace and used his hands to rub and warm her back and arms. He nagged, "You're going to catch a cold! Are you sure you're supposed to do yoga outdoors during winter?"

Ye-Jin laughed but she was shivering, "Yes, my yoga instructor highly recommended it. The cold acts as a catalyst and stimulant."

Kitty walked over and barked, "Arf arf, arf arf arf!" (Good morning, Mummy and Daddy!)

Ye-Jin smiled and bent down to pick her up, "Good morning Kitty."

Kitty immediately yelped and struggled to escape. Brrrr... Mummy was like an ice-cube! Didn't Daddy feel it when he hugged her?

Hyun Bin laughed and took over Kitty, "She's complaining that you feel cold."

Kitty burrowed into Hyun Bin's arms and looked suspiciously at Ye-Jin. "Arf arf arf, arf?" (Are you sick, Mummy?)

Ye-Jin gave Kitty a pat and went to get herself a glass of warm water. Hyun Bin set Kitty down in front of her bowl. The puppy sniffed appreciatively and dug into her doggie breakfast. It was one of her favorites today - a mixture of brown rice, minced beef, corn and carrots. This was Daddy's specialty. She ate with gusto and raised one of her ears to absentmindedly listen into her parent's conversation. They were talking about receiving well-wishes and how good it felt to be out in the open. She had no clue what they were talking about but it was alright. They were happy and smiling and that was all Kitty wanted.

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