Chapter 150: SMART & the IG Birthday Update

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Author's Note:

I hope everyone is having a good week! Apologies for the wait, work has been busier than usual and it took longer to write. 😅 No surprises in this chapter I think, it's is on the SMART CF they filmed the day after Ye-Jin's birthday and also her thank you note. I was looking back at the events that happened during this period and I realized so much happened... we have Under Amour, the lunar new year period and CA2 news... let me know if I missed anything! 😊

Hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you as usual for your s and feedback! 🥰🥰 Have a great week ahead!

SMART Commercial

Ye-Jin's 2021 birthday had been special. Ironically, the next day was in many ways just as special. They were going to film their first joint commercial and it was also their first public appearance since 1st January. They were exuberant but also slightly nervous. They wanted to do well.

Ye-Jin called out, "Tae-Pyung, Oppa's here. I'm going to Jenny's to do my hair first. I'll see you later at the filming site." She was speaking faster than usual and her pitch was a tone higher than normal. She slipped on her winter coat and smiled when Hyun Bin's arms wrapped around her from behind. She closed her eyes and leaned back, sinking into the warm and safe shelter he offered. She had needed this hug to calm her nerves and as usual, he realized it even before she did.

Hyun Bin tightened his arms and murmured, "We'll be fine. We were dating when we filmed CLOY and nobody on the set was uncomfortable. It's going to be fine."

Ye-Jin nodded and smiled , "I know."

Hyun Bin pulled back and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "There's a forecast for a snowstorm today. Ask Hyung to be extra careful on the road."

Ye-Jin nodded and left with a cheery wave. Today will mark a milestone in their new phase, a phase which will see Hyun Bin and Son Ye-Jin as one entity.

Flashback to November 2020 - At Vast Office

"Do we agree to accept?" Manager Kim asked. "It's a very attractive offer. The fees include a premium since it's a joint advertisement. Our first collaboration with them went well and they've proven to be good partners. It could also be perfect timing with the Dispatch arrangement."

Hyun Bin turned to Ye-Jin. He wanted to hear her opinion first. She smiled. Now that they have decided to go public, there was no reason to turn down commercial offers. They no longer have to hide. Their fans in the Philippines have been nothing but supportive and it felt right for their first joint CF to be with SMART. It would be a nice way to thank their fans.

Hyun Bin smiled, "We'll do it then. I personally like SMART. When Ye-Jin signed on, SMART made it clear what they really wanted was a joint CF. They could have easily edited our first campaign to make it look like a joint promotion but they didn't. They kept to our agreement. They're trustworthy."

Manager Kim smiled, "Alright. We'll renew the contract agreeing to a joint campaign. I must say I'm surprised, I didn't think Vast would go for it."

Hyun Bin was puzzled by Manager Kim's comments and asked, "Why not, Hyung? It's a good deal, why won't Vast go for it? Did you hear anything?"

Manager Kim laughed, "No one said anything. It's just that everyone knows Vast has a strict policy around artists' privacy. My first thought was that you would be against such a high profile advertisement, especially since it will put the spotlight on your personal life."

Dong Wan, who had been quietly listening, couldn't help himself. He snorted, loudly. Vast had a strict policy around Hyung's privacy? Well, they did but it was not effective at all! How could it be when Hyung himself was the biggest leak!

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