Chapter 73: CLOY - Filming Continues (Part 4)

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Author's Note: Sorry the updates were slower this week... had a busy week at work.

Thank you for all your kind comments and votes! Especially for those who have been following the story the last couple of months. I also saw some new readers and also want to say thank you for reading too!

lol, I surprised myself when I finished the last chapter but it just felt right when i was writing it 🤣 Anyway, its the weekend finally! Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Scene 1: Se-ri's monologue by Jeong-hyeok's hospital bed (Episode 7)

Today's scene was all about Se-ri. She was looking over Jeong-Hyeok as he lay unconscious on the hospital bed. Se-ri would use this opportunity to confess how she felt, knowing that he won't be able to hear her.


Se-ri sits by Jeong-hyeok's bedside. He was still unconscious from surgery.

She has been looking at him for most of the evening, trying to figure out what this man meant to her.

"Ri Jeong-hyeok shi," Se-ri started and paused, trying to find the correct words. "I am not used to things like this. I have only been loving myself and hating myself. And I have only been protecting myself and abandoning myself. All I had was myself. I had nobody else."

Se-ri looked at the resting Jeong-hyeok, trying to explain to him. "So this is awkward for me. Having someone else that is not myself."

She recalled all their moments together, "You looked at me, listened to me, smiled at me, ate with me, kept the promise with me, even if we did not make a contract, and protected me." Se-ri's eyes reddened as tears welled up. "You did all those things. All along, I had you by my side."

Se-ri paused as she tried to collect herself, "Usually, I don't get scared. But now I'm a bit scared." She looked at the unconscious Jeong-hyeok, "I'm scared something might happen to you. Does this mean you have become a special person to me?" Se-ri knew her last statement was meant for herself rather than Jeong-hyeok.

Cut! Director Lee. They needed to monitor the scene but he thinks it's a good take. The helplessness he had seen in Se-ri's eyes was in stark contrast to the courage she had shown to admit her feelings. He felt his heart ache as he watched the take.

Ye-Jin blinked and the tears rolled down her cheeks. She hurriedly wiped them off and took a deep breath to stop her tears. It had been easy to prepare for this scene. Ironically, the difficult part was to get out of character.

This particular scene resonated deeply with her. She knew exactly how Se-ri felt. She just had to bring herself back to the day when she realized Hyun Bin was already in her heart. Like Se-ri, Ye-Jin had been afraid of letting people into her heart. She had subconsciously been drawing lines to prevent people from getting too close. Hyun Bin had worked his way past her barriers, one step at a time. Like Jeong-hyeok, Hyun Bin looked at her - his eyes were always following her. Hyun Bin listened to her - he listened raptly to her most mundane stories, smiled with her - he always had a smile when their eyes met, ate with her - he even cooked for her and he kept all his promises - he loved her with all his heart.

Having him in her heart brought her unparalleled joy but also brought her unprecedented fear. She suddenly had something to lose and it scared her. This was exactly what Se-ri was coming to terms with.

Hyun Bin was now seated up on the bed and observing Ye-Jin. He instinctively knew what she was thinking of. He found himself in awe of the script sometimes. Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri were fictional characters but there were so much parallels with him and Ye-Jin that he sometimes wondered if Writer Park had written it with them in mind. He knew it was impossible but the similarities were uncanny sometimes.

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