Chapter 104: CLOY Wrap-Up Party

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Author's Note: I hope everyone has had a good week so far! For folks who were waiting, sorry this update took awhile, work has unfortunately been crazy this week and didn't leave much time much time for writing. 😥

This chapter will kind of close of the CLOY period... and open up to, lol, the period of imagination. I haven't sorted out what comes next so we'll see 😉 Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Once again, thanks for all your votes and comments! They are much appreciated.

Alert: The second half of the chapter contains adult content. As usual, read or skip at your discretion!

Crash Landing on You will be ending tonight. Seven month of hard work by hundreds of staff and actors. It was all ending tonight.

Hyun Bin had driven Ye-Jin back to her apartment that afternoon so she could to prepare for the wrap-up party. They would be making their way separately to the party.

Ye-Jin's Apartment

Ye-Jin had finished dressing and was sitting in the living room, waiting for Manager Kim to arrive. She looked at her coat draped over the sofa and smiled. This tan colored coat was going to be their first "couple" dressing.

Ye-Jin felt a surge of warmth course through her as she recalled Hyun Bin's puppy eyes when he suggested they match up their coats for the wrap-up party. Ye-Jin knew it was really not a big deal. In all honesty, their coats were similar but not exactly the same. Tan was a common color for coats and most people would not even notice the similarities in their dressing. What touched Ye-Jin was the fact that Hyun Bin would even think of matching up their clothes.

Ye-Jin loved Hyun Bin more than anyone but she was not blind to his, shall we call, developmental points. He was a fantastic person in many ways, righteous, fair, gentle, considerate and so many things good. But, Hyun Bin was also a man's man in many aspect of his personality. He was practical, logical, no-nonsense or simply put, a blockhead sometimes.

She won't change him for the world but she had to admit she was sometimes exasperated by how straight-lace he was. She had so many examples, his casual view on the gifts she should be preparing for his family the first time she met them (A/N: Chapter 36) or his view on Christmas trees (A/N: Christmas chapters) and even his recent fiasco with the fan/admirer, they were all indicators of his personality.

Hence her surprise when he suggested matching up their clothing. It was a romantic, albeit childish gesture which just wasn't Hyun Bin. Even more mind-boggling was the fact that he wasn't doing it just to please her. While he had likely initially suggested it to get back into her good books, the satisfaction that shone through his face at the end was clear. He was thrilled to be doing this.

Ye-Jin smiled and shook her head, just like how she was changing for Hyun Bin, he was changing for her as well. What else could she ask for? He was everything she wanted and more.

Just then, the doorbell rang, Manager Kim had arrived. Ye-Jin slipped on her coat and smiled as she took a final look at the mirror along the door way. She couldn't wait to see Hyun Bin in the coat she picked. (A/N: Chapter 88)

The Party

There was a huge turnout, both media and public, at the wrap-up party. Ye-Jin could see the crowd and flashlights even before they pulled up at the venue. She turned to Manager Kim, "I'm surprised so many people showed up for a wrap-up party, Oppa." And she really was. She had expected the media to cover it given the hype on the drama and some hard core fans but the number of people before her eyes was a surprise.

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